A Little Blue Goes A Long Way

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Steve wouldn't stop mixing the colors on his palette until he gets the exact tone.

#DrawingSteve #SarahRogers #JosephRogers #AcrylicPaints #MildDisagreementMayOccur #ReaderhasaGoldenRetriever

Authors note: This is a promo chapter of a separated Fanfic in Wattpad. Titled: A Little Blue Goes A Long Way.

Steve sipped some of his ice lemon tea in pure tense his brows kneaded and his lips... almost pouting. You might think he's all about the grumps because of work, but it actually isn't.

"Looks like I messed it up. It would've been better if I kept the lines thin." Steve muttered under his breath hoping it would change the point he sees in the art.

"What?" you moved to your side and faces the canvas. Your Instagram live video had probably recorded your face swiped to the left.

"It's perfect." he just couldn't accept that.

"Steve... " you place your phone aside to go behind him, your hands on his shoulders and gives both sides a very light crunch. He sighs lowering the photograph of his parents. It's been months he's been working on this piece of art ever since Bucky found a picture of his parents in his stash. And Steve took it quite seriously.

*a few days later*

You were alone in the apartment and Steve had left to the headquarters. It will only be a few hours as you have been told. Although you two share a very special relationship there will always be something that Steve seems to be hiding.

You were in the middle of a chase with a pet golden retriever when she sneakily disappears into Steve's studio. The lights were off ever since Steve left.

"This better not be any criminal investigation scene..." those crime television series had obviously influenced your senses. You stepped into Steve's art studio. You gave that stuffy room a quick suspicious gaze. Reaching to your side you flickered the light switch. A dimmed light then shines down directly onto the canvas your eyes everywhere as your senses were reluctantly opened. The smell of dried paint was strong as his leather pouch of cheap brushes were scattered all over his desk. In the middle of the room stand this medium sized canvas from before, like a piece of delicate cake Steve had covered it with a thin fabric. You knew Steve had put a ton of effort especially each evening to fulfill his art you went on to lift off the thin white canvas.

To your surprise Steve had finished his painting, it seems all is left to do was to add some finishing touch up. Like maybe some shimmer onto his Sarah's red lips or to add some more brown to Joseph's bronze-like hat. And damn you swore that you could almost taste Joseph's bitter ego even from just the painting itself. Steve is all about the details. He even applied a good amount of gloss over their eyes to give it an excellent realism touch to it. All over the painting just looks so real. You simply just used one of Steve's paintbrush to paint some sheer pink onto Sarah's glove. It was just for fun and you think it won't be that noticeable. You couldn't care much even if you already knew that Steve wasn't the friendly-type when it comes to people touching his art, it sorta happened each time when he lets his painting being exposed.


You turned around just to see Bella. Which had decided to show herself after playing hide and seek with you The crash came from the pile of crumpled paper. With a quick distraction, you put down the paintbrush and cover the painting with the canvas. And turned off the lights, leaving with your dog down the stairs.

At the kitchen, you hummed to yourself while making dinner.

Maybe a good pot of vegetable soup and some roast chicken for a rainy evening. With the windows shut from the rain, there wasn't much scenery as it's raining heavily outside. While Bella is fast asleep on the couch, you sighed and look down at the chopped carrots and peas knowing Steve might have to stay back a little while...

You swore you heard footsteps behind you as you turned around. Not exactly footsteps but more like heels that would drag as it clicks against the tiles. Heels? H-Heels?!

The house was quiet at the moment and you grab to whatever is the closest to you. Shakily you grabbed a spoon

"H-H-Hello? W-Whos there?!" you demand to raise the spoon.

A nice delicate warm hand took the spoon from you as if you're supposed to hand it over. To your horror, it was a lady. A Lady! She smiled at you and put the spoon in to scoop some soup to taste.

"Hmm. Perhaps you should put more garlic for some taste, Darling. Too many carrots will make it too sweet. Oh and celery! Do have happened to have some?" She places down the spoon and turns around hands on her hips gripping the fabric of her dress, now facing you with her blue eyes. You were pretty sure she isn't a ghost. But the lady from the painting. Her soft blonde hair flows gracefully onto her chest. Her turquoise-blue eyes were the real match to Steve's. Yeap. It's Sarah. The one and very only Sarah Rogers.

"You... You..."  You felt went all numb and your knees soon gave way as darkness came after a smudgy image of confused mama Steve was the last thing you saw before slapping your side to the ground.

How was it? :D don't forget to check out the separate fanfic to continue the story. It will be by chapters. And I will update chapter 2 soon. The book will be created tomorrow. And will be informed here so stay tuned! :)

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