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Authors Note:

Another sweet idea that popped out during 3 am. This is gonna be a few parts story and I'll keep up. 

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#Prince!SteveRogersXArcheologist!Reader #FewPartsStory #CaptainAmericaDon'tExistInHere  #Fluff

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Chapter 1: The Prince's Secret

Prince Steve's Pov

The warm smell of my room started to be overwhelming, and it brought me awake. At first, I thought I was on my way through a stuffy stairway or something. Deep in my mind, and as I fell asleep, there is a part of me who wishes the whole argument with mother would go away.

Steve moves his sheets as the hallways guided him upstairs, where echoes of voices brought him closer and closer. He would recognize that voice from anywhere. And how much he wanted him exiled the worse way possible to replace the love of his life

"How could you do this?! What were you thinking?? Don't you have any idea how horrible this is? You could've murdered my only son.

Mother? What is she talking about?

"So he did it." Steve spat from the doorway where walls were the support for him to stand. "You murdered Peggy. Mother, is this true?"

"Steven, this is a misunderstanding—"

"What misunderstanding."

"Your father and I—"

"Brock isn't my father." his voice louder than before. Something he wished he could've said out loud before. He watched his mother comes near him before throwing her palm to his face.

"Like I always said, Steven. There are always other things to worry about. You know what I'm saying?" Brock stood where Sarah couldn't see the wicked smile he's giving to the Prince. As much as Steve hated his mother's new love, he knew Rumlow had something to do with Peggy's disappearance. And why he wanted to be king in the first place.

"You will and shall never speak to me in this tone again. Do I make myself clear, Steven? And for the love of God, Having I to love Brock and you as the next heir, you will get the chance to inherit the cosmic cube. But not now. Let there be someday when you are King."

"No. Mother, just don't. We both know you can never trust the beast next to you. Not till my very last breath."

Steve felt his heart tensed before excusing himself from the room to where Brock held out his hand to comfort Sarah—giving the Prince a knowing gaze. There is a plan long made ahead of him.

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There is no way Steve could make it back in time for dinner through the secret passageways and down into the basement. Twisting the knob in several turns, he made it. The Prince stood his torch and reached into the dark hole to pull out the glowing blue cube. He places it carefully into his silk pouch he then made his way back into his room.

Months went past, and the Prince grew more careful with what the cooks served him. There were reports of several royal tasters disappearing in a month. There he sat next to his cousin Sharon. A soon Queen to be with a vast appetite for future wealth. Her belly swollen with their heir while her looks screamed for his attention, which Steve could only give her his gaze of emptiness. Steve had enough of her bossiness, and he isn't afraid to show it. He set his thoughts on the cosmic cube that was well hidden away from the roaches. After all, it is the only cause for everyone to be this nice to each other. Everyone raised their glass for its coming winter's royal cousin's wedding. All Steve could think of is that he doesn't know what to do with his life anymore.

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You grumbled at the sight of a long queue towards the checkout and dumped the bag of apples aside to pick up your phone. You have had a busy schedule lately, but it seems nothing comes this easy for you. You were pushing through the crowd while picking up the call from Natasha. You swift on your path to the car. At first, you thought you heard candies, but it's true. They finally found the cube.

"Nat, if this is a joke, I'm not buying it anymore." You start to drive, but a mother and children cross the road, and further, workers are filling up a pod hole. You cursed, almost smacking the wheel. This is what happens when you have had proper meals from yesterday.

"(Y/N)? Tell me you're not Hangry. We've talked about this. Get some snack bars. Or cookies."

You chuckled. You were speeding around the workers towards the secret base. "And we've talked about not giving a damn about whether I should eat. It's not like I'm trying to starve myself." You started to get whacky again.

"I know this is hard for you. But Fury wants to say that he's sorry. He admitted he went overboard yesterday."

You chocked on your cup of cold coffee. Since last midnight after work, the one you left in the car, you sipped it, and it tasted fine. You didn't notice it was there in the first place. "Are you telling me that 'Nick Fury' is telling me he's 'Sorry'?" You scoffed. "Tell him that he can KISS MY ARSE!!!"

Coulson and the other agents stared at your ID picture while your voice boomed through the speakers in the command center. Fury made a turn back to the field.

"Wait. Whats is happening," You asked in innocence.

"You're on speaker." Natasha

"Way to go, (Y/n). You are an official badass!" Said Clint in the background. Taking a bite into his doughnut,

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"So, what's the news?" She had your sunglasses on as you cross over the [Do Not Cross] strips. Everyone looks at you with whispers. Clint thought you were cool after your embarrassing call today, but you want to hide your dark circles.

Natasha led you into the research room, where a mummified figure is lying on the platform. All complete with clothes. Its finger consists of a golden ring.

"Dr. Banner will run a few tests after he collects his DNA sample." Natasha stood behind you while you make circles around the platform, studying the mummy's position. You could see ice shimmering from the top layer of his arm where water collected under the platform.

"Broad jaw and wider shoulders." You stated from your studies. You were writing down specific features of the subject into your notebook. "I can see that he's also a blonde"

"For now, according to his clothes, results proved that this mummy seems to be the lost Prince of Brooklyn Empire." She continued.

"I've heard about the legend. Research books and storybooks in the kid's section show that his highness drank the poison to save his wife. No one has ever seen him since then. Not even books have evidence." You turned around to see Natasha looking down from the compelling story. "Coulson said that he found the cube. Where is it?"

Natasha raised her pen at the screen across the lab. You took in a sharp breath to see the cube being in the center of the father mummy.

(Y/N)'s POV

The Prince was protecting a child, and the cube before death consumed them?

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