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On a mission gone wrong, Steve Rogers is aged dramatically by Loki's weapon.


#RetiryHome #Old!Stevie #MiniAngst #SlightEmotional

Second Chance

It all started with an ordinary mission for the Avengers. Loki, up to his usual mischief, had stolen an Asgardian weapon and fled through a portal created by Dr. Strange. The Avengers chased him through a busy city as Loki rode an Asgardian beast. Tony Stark blasted the beast, causing it to crash near where Steve Rogers had gathered the team.

As Tony negotiated with Loki for the weapon, Steve noticed a little boy trapped under debris. He went to help the child, creating a distraction Loki used to attack Thor. Tony shielded against the blast, and Natasha had Loki in a headlock, but the trickster god misaimed the weapon at Steve, causing a powerful explosion. Steve was thrown against the debris, and when the dust settled, he had aged dramatically, his body frail and trembling.

Bucky arrived just in time to see the aftermath, horrified by the sight of his aged friend.

"Steve!" Bucky shouted, rushing to his side. "What the hell happened?"

Steve looked up, his blue eyes now surrounded by wrinkles. "Loki got me good, Buck."

Back at the base, the recovery team found that Steve's aging was progressing rapidly. Bruce, Thor, and Tony worked tirelessly on a cure, but with no immediate success, they needed to keep Steve safe and hidden. Clint suggested a retirement home where Steve could stay undercover.

"Steve, we need to keep you safe," Tony said, concern etched on his face. "Clint knows a place where you'll be looked after."

Steve sighed, feeling the weight of his new reality. "Alright, Tony. Let's get this over with."

Reluctantly, Steve was taken to the home, grumpy and resistant to the idea. There, (Y/N), a caregiver, met Steve, who insisted she call him by his name.

"Please, call me Steve," he said, his voice still carrying a hint of authority despite his frail appearance.

"I can do that," (Y/N) replied, smiling warmly. "And you can call me (Y/N)."

They quickly bonded, with Steve sharing stories of his time in the war.

"You know," Steve began one afternoon, his voice nostalgic, "I used to know a guy who could make the best apple pie. Bucky and I would always try to steal a slice when we thought he wasn't looking."

(Y/N) laughed. "Sounds like you had quite the adventures."

Steve chuckled. "You have no idea."

As weeks passed, they grew closer, sharing secrets and supporting each other.

"You know, Steve," (Y/N) said one evening as they sat on the porch, watching the sunset, "I lost my grandparents last year. It's ironic, working as a caregiver and not being able to save them."

Steve looked at her with sympathy. "I'm sorry to hear that. You've been through a lot. But you're not alone. You've got me."

(Y/N) smiled, touched by his words. "Thank you, Steve. That means a lot."

Steve, wanting to comfort her, held her hand and offered sincere encouragement.

"You're stronger than you think," he told her one day. "You've got a big heart, and that's something special."

As Steve grew weaker, (Y/N) gave him a journal to fill with his thoughts and sketches.

"Here," she said, handing him the journal. "I thought you might like to jot down your thoughts or draw. It might help you feel better."

Steve took the journal, touched by her gesture. "Thank you, (Y/N). This means a lot to me."

Some nights, Tony would call Steve for updates, and Steve admitted he was falling for (Y/N).

"She's amazing, Tony," Steve said over the phone. "I don't know what I'd do without her."

Despite their efforts, the Avengers couldn't find a cure. One night, Steve became too weak to even talk, and (Y/N) stayed by his side, holding his hand and providing comfort.

"I'm here, Steve," she whispered, brushing his hair back gently. "I'm not going anywhere."

Suddenly, Tony Stark appeared at the window in his Iron Man suit, followed by Clint with a vial in hand. Shocked, (Y/N) watched as Clint injected something into Steve.

"There isn't enough time. Come with us," Clint said as Natasha led her to a nearby car.

Confused and worried, (Y/N) asked, "Who are you? What about Steve?"

Natasha reassured her, "Cap's gonna be fine. Trust us."

"Cap?!" she echoed, realization dawning on her. "You mean Captain America?"

Realizing who Steve really was, (Y/N) passed out from the shock. When she woke up, Yelena explained a little of everything before Tony led her to Steve's recovery room. Young and handsome again, Steve smiled warmly at her as the team left them alone. Blushing, (Y/N) couldn't believe all the secrets she had shared with Captain America himself.

"Thank you for everything," Steve said, taking her hand. "I'd very much like to be your friend."

(Y/N) smiled, tears of relief in her eyes. "I'd like that too, Steve. I'd like that very much."

As they stood together, the bond they had formed during those difficult weeks remained strong, now blossoming into something more.

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