-Bonus Chapter For 25k-TestSubject!SteveRogersXAgent!Reader

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Authors Note:

For or almost two years and my story had finally reached 25K!!! Thank you all so much for your support and just wow.

( ((☆)) ) °○°○°○°○°○°○ ( ((☆)) )  

Additional Note: 

This chapter is sort of like a try and error. Readers may or may not like it. Its been quite a draft in my mind for a while now. So it'll be short. Let me know your reviews if I do a part 2.

So here it is Y'all.


#TestSubjectSteveRogersXAgentReader #ShortClip #CaptainAmericaDon'tExistInHere #TheRestAreTheSameUsualCharacters

( ((☆)) ) °○°○°○°○°○°○ ( ((☆)) )

Friends Or Threat?

You were told he was something dangerous. That he's a misconception of science.

Yet again, curiosity leads you to the basement. He was retained alone in a glass chamber that only authorized agents like the Avengers are allowed to enter. Since after Ultron attack, many things in the lab were left destroyed. Creature 17 was the only test subject that was left unharmed by the damage. Bruce trust you to take over the lab while he and the Avengers will be constantly going out for missions. You have been warned to be extremely cautious when in contact with this creature. Especially when it's his feeding time. Exercise for him is another story that no scientists like to talk about.

Rumble Rumble Rum...ble?


"Stop picking all the blue Skittles."



He pops it into his mouth and chews. Soon realizing your pout, he offers another blue Skittle to you.

The creature and you have been bonding well. None of any others even the top scientists are able to explain this bizarre reason. You decided to name him Steve after he picked out a flashcard of many names. Twice. A monster he may be to others. But a super-intelligent creature he is to you. Not to mention his physical form is just a great bonus. Steve looks specifically like how all humans are. Not bad at all. There is just one problem.

The creation couldn't talk.

You can tell he wasn't comfortable to be watched by the scientists who stand outside with their clipboards and timer ready. The other corner is where two medical assistants who are ready to stop any complications. He knows how he's constantly being judged and tested by his high intelligence. Each day a digital puzzle with shapes and codes would be placed in front of him. And he would solve it within seconds. Today's a little different. You wanted to make his test more interesting and fun.

You're leaned in about to pick up the blue skittle from his palm but he let out a loud grunt and pushed you. You stiffened against the glass as the agents outside were alert to the threat. All aiming their weapons at him. With just one push from a button, Steve could've been killed in the worst way possible. He presses his hand against his temple and slowly lower himself in surrender, preparing for the sharp pain to occur.

"No! Don't. He's just frightened. Give him a chance. " you held up your hand as a signal and they lower their weapons.

The agent walked back from the button and order the others to leave. Now just left the two of you. You took a deep breath and go closer to the creature. One step at a time. The creature senses the menace faded and gave you a smile. Just like the way you would.

"Hey there big guy. I promise things are going to be fine. But don't do that again okay?" you speak softly as if he were a child and you slowly lower yourself ended up sitting across him.

He leaned in. His hands on his front before a hand was holding your shoulder. He was so close. He held up the same skittle from earlier to your lips.

"--- Whats? oh." Oh, Steve.

He's obviously calmed by now. He held up the candy till it presses against your lips as he locked his gaze into yours. You couldn't help it but be taken in by his pair of blue eyes. You gently wrapped your fingers around his wrist as he made you taste it.

You were surprised that how much affection he's now showing. He's never been like that. As far as you know, almost six agents were severely harmed each week. Two were guilty of messing with his patience while the rest were just trying to make him speak. You were the first and probably the last one that he could ever trust his life on. You looked down to what now it seems the blonde is resting his head on your lap. He has his eyes closed with a frown and arms crossed to support his sides from freezing.

Guess you're just gonna be here for a while.

( ((☆)) ) °○°○°○°-FIN-○°○°○ ( ((☆)) )  

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