| Harry Potter and Hermione's Cock Ring pt. 4

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I look around the room and find a single desk by the door littered with papers that actively resist my reading them, the heavy red curtains blocking windows which go nowhere. The king-sized bed, which dominates the room. Hermione's pocket dimension really feels like a Gryffindor studio. Hermione walks in through the door, I can spot the ministry behind her.

"Hi husband, it's been a long day. Kingsley's meetings are not nearly as much fun since you left. I am going to need the full treatment today."

I smile, she needs the full treatment just about every day.

"Of course dear."

She smiles and steps into a shower room that had previously not existed. This pocket dimension works a lot like the room of requirement, but specifically designed by and for Hermione.

"You know, in a way, today is our three-year anniversary."

I froze, our wedding anniversary was coming up in a couple of months. The day me and Ginny got divorced would be a week before that and Hermione always liked celebrating that in a different way, did I forget something important?

Hermione stepped out of the shower, already mostly dry thanks to the spells on the door frame.

"Not our wedding, silly, it's been three years since you put the cock ring on. Three years of finally being sexually satisfied."

"Oh, right, yeah I guess it has been. Crazy how fast time flies."

She laid down in front of me on the bed. Completely naked with her legs spread. Knowing this is the first step in the full treatment, I lean down to eat her out.

"Oh fuck yes, Harry some days I don't know why I even go to work anymore when I could be staying home with you."

Hermione brings her legs up over my shoulders, pulling my head down tighter and locking me in. I can feel her body tense as I bring her closer to an orgasm.

"To think, you almost ruined this by trying to cut your dick off with that bloody spell. I still don't know what you were thinking. Thankfully, you made that deal... fuck... that deal with me."

I could already feel Hermione's bodies tensing under me, she was trying to resist it, trying to hold back and to keep talking. It had become a game of ours. She would try to talk about work or whatever was on her mind, and I would try to get her to stop by fucking her silly.

I always won.

"To think, if we hand't made that deal, you might have dragged this out for as long as you could. You were so confident Ginny would want to keep trying to make it work instead of get a divorce. I am glad you finally saw things... things my-"

Hermione bucked in the bed, her legs clamped tightly around my head as she tried to fight off the orgasm and failed. Time for the next part of the full treatment. Once she had ridden the first wave and started to relax a little, I pulled back from her, grabbed her hips and rolled her over.

Burying myself deep inside her, I grab her bushy hair and start plowing her into the bed. Any further conversation she might have wanted to have been now lost as she mewled underneath me.

That deal had been meant to save my first marriage. I would ask Ginny if she wanted a divorce, if she said no, Hermione would remove the cock ring and never speak of it again. If she said yes then I would marry Hermione, quit my job, and be her stay at home husband. We both swore on our magic. It seemed like a great bet at the time.

I could feel myself getting close to cumming, so I slowed down a little and leaned into Hermione's ear.

"And how should I cum today, princess?"

"Oh, fuck, just fill me up. I want to feel it."

"Your wish is my desire."

Pushing her down into the bed, I gave her everything I have, which was a lot these days, before finally filling her.

I left her on the bed for the time being, in a state of half consciousness, to take my own shower. I would need to finish dinner soon as well. All in all, life could be worse.

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