| Write Me A Story About Us pt. 2

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~ Lines Crossed ~

Hermione felt as if she might have gone temporarily insane. Maybe a case of hysteria was to blame? What else could explain away the fact she agreed to have Harry look over her bloody personal erotica collection ?

She had never even meant for anybody to know those existed never mind actually lay eyes on one. She had intended to write those stories, improve her writing and then perhaps burn them when she couldn't stand them anymore when she managed to figure out how you're supposed to make words on paper hot.

She knew full well her word choice when it came to sex scenes was so bad it looped back into being funny, but you wouldn't catch her dead actually admitting it to anyone, much less Harry. When she had come home from the bookstore and found Harry at her little shelf with all her dirty secrets looking through her books of shame, she felt like her heart actually shot out of her brain, and with how fast it did so, it might have well also achieved escape velocity when it did.

Maybe that's where the insanity began. She had always had issues with her pride when it came to the things she did. She would fail in private and then showcase only the perfection, so when Harry poked fun at her wording she just couldn't help but challenge him as her hackles raised at the taunts. She knew they were in good fun but some things just get at you irrationally and you can't help the way you react to them.

So, she challenged him to do better, as many others who have been teased for doing poorly in some aspect have done. She was well aware of the fact that both of them were virgins, as they had both spent an inordinate amount of time complaining about their lack of love lives to one another, without actually doing anything to remedy that issue. She was hoping that she could get a few shots of her own in, make him blush and then they could both laugh it off and move on, and she could pretend that her abysmal erotica skills didn't annoy her as much as they did.

However, she got the shock of her life when Harry not only fully demonstrated the difference between what good sexual words are and what bad ones are, but he did so in a manner that had her so helplessly turned on she thought she was going crazy. She had read about arousal in countless romance novels and many more erotic stories, but none of that could have prepared her for the sheer desire that hit her, the tingling feeling building in her lower abdomen as she desperately wanted to do nothing more than run to her room and rub her pussy till she passed out. She had been turned on before, she wasn't completely sex shy, but she had been woefully deprived of anything actually stimulating to really get her going until that point.

That shock hit her system like a brick and she had spent a very awkward pause collecting herself before she even registered what Harry had asked her.

Be her editor? Why the hell would he want that?

If she was crazy for saying yes, maybe he was insane for even asking in the first place.

They both separated after agreeing to their little deal. Harry would go over the books she had already written thus far, and correct her sexual descriptors to make the story more engaging and sexy, and she would take notes on what he changed and why he made those changes. Then, she would go off after having her previous works corrected and work on a new work with the updated vocabulary and he would read that over to make sure she had gotten the lesson down.

Simple, right?

It was anything but.

Hermione hadn't anticipated just how awkward it is having someone you value so highly read sex scenes you wrote aloud, much less have them correct them. She was mortified pretty much through the entire month it took them to work through all of her works.

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