My Dinner With Harry

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Summary: After spending the last five years traveling the globe, Harry Potter has returned to England, and the world has welcomed him back—with one exception. His notoriously stubborn best friend, Hermione Granger. The overworked and disenchanted Ministry of Magic employee has more important things to do. Can a dinner conversation save their friendship and resurface buried feelings?

Ship: HarryPotterxHermioneGranger

All credit goes to Dexterbird on Ao3


Stupid Harry Potter, She thought, for the hundredth time that day.

"Stupid Harry Potter," Hermione said out loud this time. "With his tattoos, and tan, and bear-"

She stopped, realizing she was talking to herself, then huffed. Studying herself in the mirror in her bra and knickers, she held a dress in each hand and alternately placed them in front of her figure. She had narrowed down her outfit choices to a blue and black dress.

Blue was Harry's favorite color. Not that it mattered.

But the black dress was more revealing. Not that it mattered.

Her gaze turned to the letter she stuck to the mirror.

Dear Hermione,

I hope this letter finds you well.

I'm writing to you today because

Hermione, are you ignoring me?

Of course you are. We haven't been alone in a room together since I've come back. I know you're mad about me leaving, and I'm sure there are a lot of angry words and jinxes you want to throw at me. So let's have dinner. In a public place, so you can't cast any hexes my way. But I don't think we can keep ignoring this.

I want to be back in your life. And maybe you don't want me back in it. Either way, we won't know where we fully stand until we talk it out. So how about dinner this Friday at 8:00 at the restaurant we ate at for your graduation?

Love Harry.

"Stupid Harry," she sighed again.

It would be easier if she didn't want him back in her life. Merlin, she had to stop herself from jumping in his arms when he arrived at the Burrow two months ago. The Weasleys beat her to it. They almost instantly forgave him, begging for stories about his travels and the cool new Phoenix tattoo on his forearm.

Merlin, those forearms.

He disappeared five years ago to travel the world without warning. He broke up with Ginny and sent mass letters to all his friends saying that he was going away for a while. Only the occasional postcard to reassure them he was still alive.

And then he came back like nothing happened. The night before Hermione had worked for sixteen hours straight finalizing her proposal on House Elf reparations, only for it to be unceremoniously rejected by the Wizengamot with little pushback.

She was consisting on stamina potions and coffee, and only stopped by The Burrow cause she hadn't eaten a proper meal in weeks. And then Harry arrived with his tan, and stress-free posture- Not a care in the world.

She was the last holdout on the Harry apology tour. Even Ginny gave in to his charms. Of course, she's married to Neville now and happy, while Hermione was decidedly not any of those things.

On second thought, she decided to wear the black dress.

Harry was waiting at the bar when she arrived. His sleeves rolled up, showcasing those damn forearms of his and that stupid Pheonix tattoo. Their waiter was an old Italian man who seated them at a table in the corner of the restaurant.

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