A Morning After

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Summary: A glimpse into the secret life of two secret lovers enjoying the morning after a very steamy night. Shame that the coffee is terrible.

Ship: HarryPotterxHermioneGranger

All credit goes to Aeyliana on Ao3


Stirring from a deep and restful sleep, Hermione peeked her eyes open. Soft light graced her vision, daylight. Slowly, she emerged to full awareness, her senses all confirming that she was indeed in bed and naked under the sheets. Propping her elbows down into the mattress, she inched her head up from the pillow. She frowned at the crisp decor of the unfamiliar bedroom. Dark wood accents contrasted sharply with the white, fresh walls. It wasn't something to her own tastes, too modern. Yet it was pleasantly muggle, enough to make her relax and not immediately freak out about not being in her Mayfair apartment.

As if remembering details from a dream, she recalled the reasons why she was so well-rested and not at home. All she had to do was turn her head to the right, following the soft sounds of slow, calm breathing. There he was, deep asleep. Enough muted light of the early morning seeped through the closed blinds, enough for her to make out every detail of his face. Head propped up on the pillow where he slept with his arm bent underneath, she could trace the line of his jaw with her gaze to where it sloped up to his ear. She took in the shadows of his eyelashes, softness contrasting against the sharper lines of his dark brows and specifically the harsh slashes of the scar that marred his otherwise smooth forehead. Lazy curls of jet black hair scattered over his face, in serious need of a haircut yet his preference was to have it long and slightly manageable. It had no business sticking up in all directions then.

Hermione controlled her urge to wake him. Both of them so rarely were blessed with decent sleep. At her side, Harry Potter was the picture of a peaceful sleeper. She wondered if he was dreaming or if, like her, their rampant nightly activities had exhausted him to the point where he dived straight down into a deep sleep. She hoped so... as she knew all too well what nightmares plagued him. Eleven years after the war, they were less frequent, but the ghosts of their past still haunted their nights.

Careful to not disturb him, Hermione shuffled her way from under the bedsheets. The air immediately chilled her bare flesh as she crept out of bed, fully nude. Her hair draped down her shoulders, almost long enough to cover her breasts. Stilling, Hermione searched the room for her clothes before remembering that her clothes were in the other room of the hotel suite. The night before, they hadn't waited to get to bed before starting. Or at least Harry hadn't waited.

Walking on the balls of her feet to make as little sound as possible, she paced from the side of the bed. Harry's trousers, pants and shirt were in a heap at the foot of the bed where he'd urgently undressed himself after he placed Hermione on the bed, wonton for his attention. Smile blooming to life on her face as her blood warmed up her cool skin, she fetched his white shirt from the floor. It would have to do while she went to get some coffee... and relocate her clothes from where Harry had scattered them about the room in his urgency to undress her.

Harry's shirt was just long enough to cover her properly to be decent. Not that it really mattered. Though she couldn't recall if either of them had put the 'do not disturb' sign on the door before tumbling inside. Her attention had been rather distracted while Harry couldn't wait to even get the key in the door.

Her thighs softly hissed together as she silently made her way into the living space. Harry had typically spent a little extra on the room, making sure that they weren't slumming it when they didn't have to. The room had come with a bottle of champagne that they made fast work of. As she made her way to the kitchenette, spotting the coffee machine, she stopped as she caught sight of the view. Her breath left her in a sigh of awe. The newly risen sun had bathed the sea in a shimmering array of rose and gold highlights.

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