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Summary: Hit Witch Hermione Granger has thwarted Harry Potter's mission to wipe out all Death Eaters for the last time. They'll either kill each other or join together.

Ship: HarryPotterxHermioneGranger

All credit goes to Rouch on Ao3


A light from a lamppost lit the entrance to a dark alleyway. Rubbish swirled in a mini windstorm created by the change in air pressure between the two buildings. The muggle street was nearly empty. So late that the club goers had long since retired for the night. Too early for the early birds to be leaving their flats. The witching hour the muggles called it. It was fitting. A dark figure moved along the pavement approaching the alley, checking behind her occasionally. She was being followed. She knew it. And knew who it was. Irrationally, she walked faster. She wasn't going to out run his spells. Her only play was to get to her target before him. The beam from the street lamp shown outward, making it impossible to see into the narrow space. It highlighted a small drop on the pavement that looked fresh. Hermione leaned down, confirmed it was blood. She had been sure she hit the Death Eater before he found an escape route. Wand out, she sent out a small spark at the blood drop. A silver line traced a path into the darkness. Before she stepped in, she looked to her right, down the street. In the distance he was there. His cloak covered his face. They'd dueled too many times for her to not recognize his profile. She had to be quick, but was smart enough to know she couldn't hurry. The Death Eater in the Alley might have lost his wand. He'd still have the element of surprise, would see her coming, and was twice her body weight.

There wasn't time to overthink the situation. She went in, wand first. A yell echoed off the brick as something came at her swinging. She had enough space to dodge in time to experience only a glancing blow to her cheek. It was enough to send her tumbling. Tasting blood, she went with the roll, and got as much distance as she could before turning in the direction of the attacker. His back was now to the light. He towered over her. He could try running. He didn't know it, but that would have meant certain death. Her pursuer had to be close. A quick stunning spell had Rowle falling over. The small thud wasn't nearly as satisfying considering the pain she was feeling in her face. She was out of time. Rushing to her prisoner, she flipped him over, put her wand in her pocket and pulled out her cuffs. Glancing toward the exit, a shadow was approaching. With a smooth, practiced motion, she locked the enchanted cuffs and leaned down to whisper in the Death Eater's ear, "You're lucky I got to you before Potter did. There are fates worse than Azkaban." With a small click, the body under her was transported away to a holding cell at the ministry.

A low growl of frustration announced Harry's arrival. In time to see his prey disappear. Hermione looked up. Her wand was still in her pocket. The advantage was his. She held up her hands to show him she wasn't armed.

"Granger. Rowle was mine," he said, his wand leveled at her, his frustration clear.

She kept her hands up as she slowly got to her feet. They'd been doing this dance for years. Some days she won. Other days he did. They rarely got away unscathed. He'd been chasing Death Eaters longer. She was equipped with the resources of the ministry. Not for the first time, she looked into his green eyes. Hoping to find some indication as to how much trouble she was in. It was the first time she was defenseless. Well. That wasn't entirely true. It was the first time since they were adults that she was defenseless in his presence. She searched for the third year Slytherin boy who jumped in front of her to stop a werewolf from attacking her. Not nearly the end of a long night after trying to find a way to save Buckbeak and instead got pulled into the mess in the shrieking shack. It was a brief look into the life of The Boy Who Lived. She felt sorry for him that night. Learning about his father's best friends and the betrayal of Peter Pettigrew. Without objection, she agreed to help him at Dumbledore's request. She understood Sirius had been framed. Sentenced to a miserable life because the system failed him. A misadventure with a time turner saved Harry's Godfather. And had earned her some good will. They saved each other's lives that night. It was a blip in their time at school. Harry was the chosen one after all. The wizard expected to be greater than Voldemort. Greater than Dumbledore. She was just a know-it-all Gryffindor who didn't approve of his rule breaking. "Rowle wasn't yours, Potter. He was wanted by the ministry."

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