Sun and Moon

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Summary: Before Hermione has to leave for a month for work in France, Harry and Hermione go on a road trip to watch the total solar eclipse.

Ship: HarryPotterxHermioneGranger

All credit goes to Souled_out on Ao3


11 August 1999

Their bedroom was a mess, with their clothes scattered on the bed. A pair of open luggage laid on the floor, both half-empty. Papers were strewn about with all the information about their cottage they rented and their road trip to Cornwall. On top was a set of keys.

Hermione wanted to be prepared before they left and made sure of it. They planned on watching the solar eclipse and stay for a week.

Harry pushed aside their clothes and plopped down on a corner of their bed instead of helping. They were due to leave very early in the morning, and he wasn't thrilled about it. He didn't see the point of driving a car for over five hours when they could use a Portkey or Floo to a nearby wizarding village. It was a waste of time when they could get there in minutes. They would have more time to spend together or to sleep in.

"Are you going to help me pack, or are you just going to sit and sulk? You can just stay home." Hermione pouted her lips as she aggressively folded her clothes to fit in her suitcase. "You were the one who wanted to do more normal things. Drive around the country and visit other places where no one knew who Harry Potter was. Or that wizards even existed."

Harry could feel her irritation growing. He slid off the bed and sat beside her on the floor. "Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you," he said as he began folding the clothes within reach. He knew that the sooner they finished, the more time they had together. "I just hate the idea of you having to work at the French Ministry of Magic. And so soon."

She turned to him and held his face with both hands. Her fingers caressed his freshly shaven cheeks. "It will only be for a month. And it's to help bridge the two administration. You know what happened during the war. Voldemort and his men destroyed many bridges, figuratively and literally." She paused and looked at him affectionately. "Besides, we've got all week before I have to leave."

"Ten days," he corrected. He didn't want her to leave a second sooner than she needed to

"Let's enjoy the ten days we have together." She leaned in and kissed him. "Okay?"

Harry nodded, brushing his lips against hers. "You know there is a spell for packing all of this."

"Well, someone buried our wands underneath all the clothes."

He smiled sheepishly and began folding again. It was his idea to take the trip and do more things he never had the chance to do when he was younger.

The sun hadn't risen when they left their flat with their luggage and bag of treats for the road trip. It was so early that they didn't bother to change out of their pyjamas. Brushing their teeth and washing their face helped wake them up.

Hermione drove the first couple of hours, beating the early morning traffic. They listened to music on the way that they heard during their time hunting for Horcruxes. It brought back memories when they first realized their feelings for each other. And time stood still inside the car before they switched places.

The sun rose over the horizon as he drove to their destination. It lit up the sky a radiant colour that they hadn't seen in a while. And Harry forgot about his worries. It was a trip he hoped to never forget.

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