The Curse of Love

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Summary: Hermione's perspective after Harry learns the truth from Snape's memories.

Ship: HarryPotterxHermioneGranger

All credit goes to Rouch on Ao3


The smell of smoke hung in the air. Most of the fires had been extinguished. What lingered were the remnants from magic saturating the atmosphere around the castle. It drifted to the ground below. Indifferent to the pain and suffering within the Great Hall. The dueling had stopped. The onslaught was over. 

For the moment. It wasn't a peace born from victory. It was a calm in the middle of a violent storm. A cruel reprieve to remind the survivors the futility of their efforts. Hermione sat near the exit. The last spot she had seen Harry. The Weasley's needed space to grieve as a family. She knew she should be helping the injured. It was odd to be so suddenly thrust back into a world with others. 

Months on the run, knowing being found would mean certain death had her entire body revolting to the sudden reintegration. The pressure to act and react was fading as Voldemort's countdown ticked by. She looked down at her hands. Surprised to see them shaking. Adrenaline was wearing off. Fear was setting in. She looked out the doors, expecting to see Harry. She knew where he went. The memories from Snape held information. Important enough, he used his last moments to tell Harry to take them.

The longer she sat, the heavier she felt. The stress of everything was catching up to her. Hermione stood. She needed to find Harry. She had to keep moving. Nothing was over. There was a horcrux left. Two, actually. If her suspicions were correct. Suspicions Dumbledore would have also had. And maybe Severus. That thought spurred her forward. 

Harry might be learning the truth that very moment and she'd been just sitting in the Great Hall watching the tragedy of the war play out before her. Running wasn't really an option. There were large stones littering the halls. Pieces of wall and ceiling standing between her and her best friend. Why had she left him alone? Her instincts had been to comfort Ginny. She just assumed he'd be right behind her, ready to take the youngest Weasley into his arms. When he didn't join them, she should have gone after him right then.

Finally she saw the entrance to the Headmaster's office. The stairs were open. He was there. He had to be. Taking the steps two at a time, her breath came in short gasps. The panic was building. Harry would sacrifice himself. There wasn't a truth she understood more than that. She'd try to stop him. And he'd know that about her. Standing in the office was surreal. It appeared untouched by the battle that destroyed large portions of the castle. 

The pensieve hovered in front of the large desk. Harry wasn't there. Threads of memories swirled beneath the surface. But Harry wasn't there. Turning on the spot, she looked for answers. The paintings were empty. He had the cloak. He was headed for the forest. Retracing her steps back down the spiral stairs and through the halls that held some of her best memories she thought about all the things she'd never said to him. 

Things she was afraid to say. She cared for him too much to risk losing their friendship. What a stupid reason to not be honest with him. She loved him. She loved him and he was about to die never knowing. If he knew, maybe he'd find another way to stop Voldemort. Maybe he'd try harder. For her. For them.

Standing outside the Great Hall again she overheard Neville talking to Luna about the snake. Her head whipped around. Ron wasn't in sight. She didn't think he would have shared that information. With anyone. Hermione reached out, laid a hand on Neville. "Was Harry here? Did he talk to you?"

The tall Gryffindor nodded, his eyes wide. "He told me about the snake. We'll kill it."

"How long ago was he here?" She heard the desperation in her voice.

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