| Alone Again, Unnaturally pt. 2

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Summary: Hermione and Harry make things right between them before a sudden shift in their relationship takes them both by surprise.


Harry ended up having to smile when Hermione declared she was never letting him go. He was so set on being angry with her for just a little while longer until she practically glued herself to his body and wrapped him up so tightly in her arms that he couldn't breathe. Eventually, he gave up on trying to leave and let her tire herself out from all the strength she was using to keep them in one place.

As the minutes passed, however, Hermione wasn't letting him up. Harry figured it must have been five or so minutes that had gone by but there was no change in the strength she was using nor the little sniffles that came from her as she wept against his chest. Angry as he was, he hated seeing or hearing her cry. Especially when it was over him. Even in their earlier spat, he almost took everything he said back because of her tears.

It became abundantly obvious that she wasn't going to let him go anytime soon. And it felt nice to be hugged by her again, he couldn't lie. They hadn't been close for a while and he didn't remember the last time he'd gotten a full blown Hermione-hug from her. The fact that she was using one of them now to keep him from leaving as well as attempt to salvage their friendship was pretty nice.

Well, it was actually more than nice. It was amazing. Harry didn't realise how much he missed her hugs until he hadn't gotten one of them in so long. He supposed that was the story of their friendship since the end of last year. He didn't know what he had until he lost it. No, that didn't sound right. Actually, it was that he knew exactly what he had but had grown complacent enough to never think he could lose it.

And it wasn't his fault that he lost it, at least not fully. There were times that he wished he was more open with Hermione and showed her how much appreciation he had for her but he knew he was always there for her when it counted. That didn't warrant her ignoring him for almost the whole year now. They were supposed to be best friends through it all and even if she wanted nothing to do with him anymore, she could have at least told him instead of leaving him out to dry.

He sighed at the stupidity of it all. There were still traces of frustration within him but it wasn't nearly as intense as it was earlier. It was good for him to at least try to listen to what she had to say now instead of blowing up at her. And if he was satisfied with everything, he would apologise to her for blowing up at her. He was actually going to do that last part anyway regardless of if she renewed his trust for her or not.

"Alright, Hermione, I'm not going to leave," Harry assured her after finally reciprocating her embrace by winding his arms around her waist. "We can talk."

The smile that adorned her face when she looked up at him, teary as it was because of her quiet sobs, was as radiant as ever. It lit up everything in the world for him and the wizard wondered why he was seeing the Hermione he knew but in a way that he hadn't seen her before. She looked different but...the same? That made no sense.

"Really? You won't walk away?" She ended up asking him in a wavering voice as they stared at each other.

Their embrace didn't break even after he nodded that he would stay and listen to her. Hermione wound her arms instead around his neck and showed her relief plainly on her features. Harry felt like something was...off...with the way they were hugging each other. Off in a good way, definitely not a bad way. He couldn't quite understand what was so different but he knew it was there.

"I'm sorry, Harry," she began, losing the wavering in her voice to sound resolute. The typical determination and fierceness in her eyes told him that the Hermione he knew was back. "I'm so bloody sorry for everything that's happened this year."

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