One Night

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Summary: Harry and Hermione decide to take one night for themselves and tackle the Minister's Ball together only to make a few realisations about how they would rather spend their time.

Ship: HarryPotterxHermioneGranger

All credit goes to Seekerofknowladge3119 on Ao3


"Alright, be good for your grandmum. We'll be back to pick you up at eleven," Harry said to his eldest son while the boy held his sleeping one year old baby sister in his arms. "I love you." He pulled the boy in to leave a kiss at the top of his head as their grandmum watched the scene from behind him.

"I love you, baby boy," Hermione also dropped a kiss on his head before looking behind him, "and thank you for this, Molly."

"Oh it's no problem, dear. You two deserve a night out and I'm not too old to look after them, especially now that Teddy's calmed down a bit," the old redheaded matron answered sweetly before her grandson huffed in offense at her.

"Don't worry, you two, I've got this." Teddy propped himself up confidently with a determined look on his face. "Grandum and I will make sure nothing goes wrong."

After a few more warnings not to worry grandmum too much and 'I love yous', Harry and Hermione left their children for the night to attend the Minister's Ball. Molly had been right, they did need a night together. Of course, he would have preferred that they stay in instead of going to a ball chock full with people he didn't want to see but he couldn't have it his way all the time.

Oh but Harry hated crowds. There were too many people for him to keep track of and that was without mentioning how a majority of them would run up to him at his worship like he was some kind of god. It was horrible. Not only that, though, he also had to contend with the bastards who thought they could ogle his wife when she wasn't looking. It was no secret that she was the most desirable and beautiful witch in the world but it was hard for him to keep cool when others were shamelessly ogling her.

She would remind him, though, that they could only look while he was the one who could touch. Sometimes it staved off his more caveman tendencies, sometimes it didn't. He hoped tonight at the ball was going to feature less of those idiots looking at his wife but his luck probably wouldn't permit that. All of his good luck had been expended when he died and came back to life then ended up marrying the person he loved more than anything in the world.

And speaking of that person. She was breathtaking in her outfit for the ball. Her satin black dress hugged her curves smoothly without looking like she was being suffocated in it, accentuating every dip and contour of her lithe body while leaving the creamy skin of her shaped legs on full display. She had worn heels to match with the dress as well and had her wand strapped to her thigh just in case something broke out.

But what really got him hot and bothered was the fact that she let her hair down. If there was one thing he loved more about her than any other part, it was her wild hair. The chestnut brown curls were untameable and messy just like his own jet black ones were. Ever since they'd been in school together, he had loved simply running his fingers through the locks and twirling a ringlet around his finger. It was one of the few things that comforted him and so he hated whenever she tried to tie it up for whatever reason.

"You're staring again," she remarked from in front of him. They had apparated to the front facade of the Ministry's banquet hall but he had slowed down to simply admire her as she walked ahead.

"I have a wife that makes Aphrodite look ugly in comparison, let me admire her," Harry smoothly replied, inwardly wondering when he became so charming with his flirting. He was absolutely hopeless with women until he'd gotten together with Hermione. "Let's just wait for a second before we go in."

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