Jacobs Siblings/ Adoption 💔

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An extension to the Gone fic~
(Rip my actual opinions on Mayor and Esther because I don't think of them as homophobic or Christian. They are Jewish and that's canon but for the sake of the fic they are Christian)

Thanks to stagewriter28 on Tumblr for the prompt! (I didn't age them up though bc I didn't feel like it, sorrrryyy)

David sat in the lodging, it had been a week since he and his sibling left and he was beginning to feel the full extent of what they had done.

Jack ruffled his hair softly, "it's ok, Dave. We'll figure it out."

"But what if we don't? We can't afford a lawyer!" David pressed the palms of his hands to his eyelids. "They can't just.. take Les away!"

Jack tried to give him a reassuring smile but David could tell he was just as worried,

Just then a commotion filled the lodging house as Katherine burst through the door. "I CAN HELP!" She cried, hurrying over, Sarah behind her.

Davey looked at her, a confused expression in his eyes. "You can? How?"

Kath smiled, "I can get you a lawyer! I think I know a friend of Darcy's that went to school for it! And I have the money to pay them as well."

David face lit up, "really?!" He stood up quickly and rushed over to her.

"You're the best, Kitty!" Sarah kissed her cheek and laughed as Kath's face turned pink.

After an excruciating wait, they got a lawyer and court date secured. Davey and Sarah knew their parents could hardly afford rent, let alone a lawyer, so they hoped that their plan would work.

And finally the day was there and they took to court. Hoping that they would win.

The final verdict. Les was theirs. Sarah held the legal title, being 19. But they had won.


Short bc I don't know anything about the legal process whoops

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