Javid/ the cat✅

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I got a lot of Javid prompts from tumblr,

Anyways this is so cute ahavwgzvvd

Shoutout to the anonymous suggestion!

Sorry to anyone who read this before I removed the "out of order" line. It is in order I just forgot to delete that before posting haha

Medda smiled at Jack as he finished painting another background for her stage, "you're really something, Kelly! Here let me pay yo-"

"No, I could never take your money Miss Medda." Jack insists, wiping his hands on his apron. A canvas in front of him was fresh with paint, a gorgeous landscape on it. Jack was covered in paint, despite the apron, the splotches of gold and silver accenting his brown skin.

Medda sighed, "so stubborn." She murmured,

"Medda!" A stage manager called, "you're on!"

She quickly excused herself, but not before ruffling Jack's hair, "stay safe kid."

Jack sighed intently, walking out of the theater and into the warmth outside and onto the street. He noticed a black blob in the corner of a bush and paused. He stared at it, registering ears and a tail. "Oh a cat!"

The cat glared. Jack crouched down and put a hand out. The dark grey blob raised its head and turned around. Jack smiled, "why don't I bring you some food?"

Jack went back into the theater and rummaged around thoroughly before managing to find some cat food in a storage closet

Jack set a small bowl with cat food down on the ground for the cat, which skittered away when he approached, as if annoyed by his presence. Slowly it tip toed over the food, sniffing it haughtily before eating it. Jack stared at it curiously and wondered what it thought.

After the cat had finished it stared at Jack, then decided he wasn't so bad, and strolled over to rub its back against his legs. He stroked the cats fur, noting the dusty but soft feel of it, "what a pretty girl you are, ain't ya?"

The feline gave a small meow in response and rubbed its face against his hand. Then quickly she turned around and walked off in arrogant fashion.

Jack smiled but then remembered he was going to be late for the evening headline, and jumped up, rushing to get to newsies square.

When he arrived he rushed to buy some papes, joining David and Les to go their selling spot.


After selling he walked with David to bring Les back to their home, stealing Davey to his rooftop.

David sat down on the ground, surveying the sky. "Pretty sure the papers didn't include murder today, Jack." He frowned at the boy, "you really shouldn't tell people that."

Jack rolled his eyes playfully, "it sells the papes, it buys me food."

Davey huffed indignantly, shifting a little away from Jack as he sat down, "it's lying,"

"It's surviving" he countered, wrapping an arm around Davey, who leaned into the embrace.

David scrunched his nose, which Jack found impossibly cute, "someone's going to get you for the lies sooner or later, Jack."

"Well" Jack shrugged, "it ain't now."

He watched as David rolled his eyes, a frown plastered on his face. His face and words said he was annoyed, but he allowed himself to be embraced by Jack. It reminded Jack a little of the cat, the way Davey held himself and acted. Grumpy and snarky, but sweet and affectionate when he wanted to be. Jack laughed a little at this new thought.

"What?" Davey looked at him curiously,

"You're like a cat, Dave." Jack said, ruffling his hair.

Davey furrowed his brows, "no I'm not."

Jack grinned, "oh you totally are!"

"I am not!" The taller boy demanded, his lips were almost in a pout and his cheeks had a light dust of red.

"You get all cute when you're angry too!" Jack laughed, "just like a cat."

Davey huffed and hurried his face into Jack's side. "No im not" he mumbled, though it was muted by Jack's body.

Jack just played with his dark curls absentmindedly, "whatever helps you sleep at night, pretty boy."

He felt Davey nudge his face farther against Jack. "Don't call me that," he could hear the fluster in David's voice.

"No, I will be continuing, thanks."

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