Redfinch/overwhelmed ✅

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Finally some non spicy redfinch for once
Also adhd Albert with sensory issues


Albert always hated the feeling and sounds of somethings, but he could usually manage it. So what if his socks sometimes made him feel like he was trapped? He'd just have to only wear the ones that he liked. And if his brothers' noises made him want to crawl out of his skin he'd just go for a walk. But on this particular day he was unable to deal with the constant uncomfortable sensations.

First he couldn't find a pair of good socks, making him feel panicky, but he tried to tough it out. Then he got to Newsies Square, which was a familiar and comforting loud, and had to wait for the headline to be posted. Then the uncomfortable feel of bricks. He hated bricks. They caught against his clothes and made a disgusting sounds and sensation. But still he sold as many papers as he could. Then he couldn't handle it anymore.

Albert quickly found himself breaking down in an alleyway, his back pressed against the wall, hugging his knees. He wasn't crying, just rocking a bit and trying to slow his breathing.

"Albert?" A voice came from the street, "are you alright?"

He looked up and spotted Finch, "yea" he mumbled.

Finch sat down beside him, "overwhelmed?"

Albert nodded, burying his face so he wouldn't feel as embarrassed.

"Can I hug you?" Finch asked,

Albert murmured a small yes and let himself be held my Finch for a while.

-time skip-

"Really? You got distracted? By what?" Albert's dad questioned him, he shrugged and tried to look anywhere else. He had to help with chores and be 'manly' even if the feeling of the wash cloth made his skin crawl.

He sat down to dinner with his brothers and tried not to wince every time he heard chewing. He hated the sound, it made him want to saw his ears off. To make matters worse they were eating meat and he was expected to eat the bone marrow as to not waste food. But that always made him want to cry, the texture was just awful. But he did it anyways.

After awhile he couldn't handle the noises and textures and judgment any longer and he stood up abruptly, "I'm going to the lodging tonight."

He turned around and left, walking towards the lodging with hot tears running down his face.

When he arrived he looked around the mostly empty lodging. He assumed that most of the newsies were out selling or meeting somewhere and chatting. He usually stayed with the Newsies as well, but he's required to go home at least once a week by his father.

He spotted Finch and walked over. Finch patted the spot next to him on the ratty old bed and Albert climbed slowly into it. He wrapped his arms around Finch and listened to his heart beat as he slowed his breathing.

Finch kissed the top of Albert's head and began ruffling his fingers through his red hair slowly. "Do you want me t-"

"No" Albert hugged him tighter, "We're friends first, before the benefits."

Finch smiled, "I don't think most friends cuddle each other."

Albert met Finch's eyes, "then maybe we're more than friends."

Finch stared at him as he turned a similar shade of red to his hair, "what.?"

Albert stuttered, speaking in a rushed tone, "well I just mean I've been starting to think of you as more than just a way to pass time and we could be more thaan tha-"

"I'd love that," Finch placed a kiss on Albert's nose
I'm too tired to write another fic tonight so take this

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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