Chapter 14: Argument

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In the dining room, Liu Kang was getting impatient for Serena to come out. Kitana and Kung Lao were there for him, doing their best to calm him down.

"What's taking so long? I told her to come down. Why isn't she here yet?" Liu Kang said in anger.

"Try to be patient, Liu. The girl has lost her master and her freedom all in one day." Kitana said.

"Liu Kang, have you thought that perhaps this girl could be the one to break the spell?" Kung Lao asked.

"Of course I have!" Liu Kang shouted. He let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm not a fool."

"Good! So if you fall in love with her, she'll fall in love with you. And poof! The spell is broken. We'll be human again by midnight." Kung Lao said.

"It's not that easy, Kung Lao. These things take time." Kitana said, reminding him that their relationship will take time for them to get to know each other more.

"But the rose has already begun to wilt," Kung Lao warned.

Liu Kang let out a frustrating groan. "It's no use... She's so beautiful and I'm... well, look at us! We're zombies because Shinnok and Quan Chi resurrected us to turn us evil!"

Kitana and Kung Lao looked at each other and didn't say anything. Then they looked at him.

"You must help her to see past all that," Kitana said.

The fallen Chosen One looked away. "I don't know how."

"Well, you can start by making yourself more presentable. Straighten up, start acting like a gentleman." Kitana scolded him.

"When she comes in, give her a dashing debonair smile," Kung Lao said, grinning.

Liu Kang let out a weird smile.

"But don't frighten the poor girl," Kitana said.

"Impress her with your rapier, but be gentle," Kung Lao said.

"Show her with compliments, but be sincere," Kitana said.

"And above all," Kung Lao said.

"You must control your temple!" Kung Lao and Kitana scolded him at the same time.

Then they heard the door opening, making Liu Kang excited.

"There she is!" Kung Lao said.

Unfortunately, it was just Nightwolf when they didn't see Serena with him.

"Good evening," Nightwolf greeted nervously. He could tell Liu Kang wasn't too happy at all.

"Well? Where is she?" He asked impatiently.

He sighed in defeat. "She's not coming to dinner."

"WHAT!?" Liu Kang stormed out of the dining room slamming the door open and rushed to Serena's room. Now Kitana, Kung Lao, and Nightwolf chase after him, telling him to calm down. When they arrived, Liu Kang knocked the door hard.

"I thought I told you to come down for dinner!" He yelled.

"I'm not hungry!" Serena yelled back in the bedroom.

Kitana sighed as she palmed her face. So are Kung Lao and Nightwolf.

"You'll come out or I'll... I'll break down the door!" Liu Kang yelled, trying to convince her by believing he was going to do it.

"Do it! I wanna see you try, you jerk!" Serena yelled back, being a smart-ass.

He didn't say anything.

"Liu Kang, I could be wrong, but that may not be the best way to win the girl's affection," Kung Lao said.

"Please attempt to be a gentleman," Nightwolf said.

"But she is being so difficult!" Liu Kang said, annoyed by Serena's attitude.

"Be gentle, Liu Kang, or you'll make things worse," Kitana pleaded with him.

He sighed. Then he tried it again by speaking to Serena in a kind tone. "Would you come down for dinner?"

"No!" Serena said.

"See!?" Liu Kang said in annoyance.

"Suave gentle," Nightwolf said.

"It would give me great pleasure if you would join me for dinner," Liu Kang said impatiently in anger.

"No, thank you!"

"You can't stay in there forever!" He shouted.

"Yes, I can!" Serena shouted back.

"Fine! Then go ahead and starve to death! I could care less!" Then Liu Kang stormed off, heading his way to the West Wing room.

The three zombies groaned in defeat as they sweatdropped.

"Well, we tried..." Kung Lao said.

"Kung Lao, why don't you guard the door and see if Serena needs anything? When she merges the room?" Kitana suggested.

He nodded. "Of course."

Beauty and the Shaolin Zombie // Liu Kang x Usagi [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now