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"You should put more power into your throw."

You snort and are tempted to throw the damn shuriken into his face. "Oh, you think so?" you ask sarcastically and glance over your shoulder. The casual arrogance with which your team member is leaning against the practice post is almost driving you crazy.

"Yes, I think so," he confirms, straightening up and letting his own kunai circle in his fingers.

Unfortunately, he looks really damn cool doing it, and you start to berate yourself again. When did you start thinking about him like that? At what point did your stupid little mind start to take more interest in him than was absolutely necessary? Probably when you and the team stopped at a bathhouse on a mission and the only hot spring was unfortunately accessible to both sexes. Of course, there was a rule that you had to cover yourself with a towel, but unfortunately the men only ever tied theirs around their damn hips. Which meant that you had a darn good view of the shinobi's well-toned body.

"Earth to Y/N, are you listening to me?" he asks, flicking his hand in front of your face.

"What?" you reply, somewhat taken aback, and blink at him. When did he walk to you?

"Leave Y/N alone to train, Hatake. She knows how to throw a shuriken," your other team member now also interjects and comes to you as well. "Sensei Minato would have said something if he thought she still needed training sessions. So mind your own business, Kakashi. We'll make it to become Jonin eventually. Y/N too."

You look at Obito Uchiha and shake your head. In doing so, you also get rid of the inappropriate memories of Kakashi Hatake's wet, shiny body. "Well, thank you very much, you mutton!" you hiss at your friend, feigning outrage, and put your hands on your hips. "What does Y/N mean, please?" you ask, repeating Obito's words. Your sharp look only makes him smile. He playfully shrugs his shoulders. You and the Uchiha are truly and genuinely friends. You and Kakashi, however... You have never met in private to hang out. He only did that with Obito and a handful of chosen shinobi. His friends. Including Gai, Iruka, Asuma, Kurenai and Yamato.

"That means," says Kakashi, grabbing your shuriken, "that you have to put more power into the throw to make it more efficient." With an incredibly fast and skilful throw, he hurls your and his weapon away and they hit a tree so powerfully that bark splinters. "Impressed?" he asks, looking at you with raised eyebrows.

You look at him too. His white hair stands out from his head and the mask and headband cover half of his face. Yes, you are impressed, but not by the throw, but by the sight of him.

"If you practised a little more instead of being lost in thought, you'd be able to do it too. You know that, right?"

"And if one of my students showed a little less arrogance, the team spirit would be better," our sensei's voice rings out and Kakashi rolls his free eye while Obito laughs out loud. We bow slightly in greeting and Minato Namikaze does the same. Then he looks from Kakashi to me and finally to the giggling Obito. "If you all want to achieve the rank of Jonin together, you have to work together, Kakashi Hatake. So instead of just throwing Y/N boastful comments, you should show her how you do it and what you mean exactly. In so far as she still needs to be shown anything at all," he adds and winks in your direction. "Because don't forget what I taught you. Would you mind repeating it?«

He rolled his eye again, but nodded. Kakashi has respect for Minato Namikaze. Everyone does, and not just because he is Konoha's yellow lightning, but also because he has been Hokage for a good six months and has developed countless jutsu and is still developing more.

"Not every member of the team has to have the same fighting strength. The important thing is that the strengths of all harmonise and work together so that they form a whole. A team is only truly a team when that has been achieved," Kakashi quotes the wisdom of the sensei and then walks to the tree with a last look at you to get the weapons. "Nevertheless, we should at least fight at a similar level, I suppose."

Now you roll your eyes. "You're such a cocky cockerel, Kakashi! Do you really think you're so much stronger than me?"

"Yes, I know that. And it may be that I am a cocky cockerel," he mimics you, "but I am one who can defeat you. Blindfolded, if necessary."

"That's enough for today," Minato suddenly says harshly, squinting slightly. "How about you and Obito have a little fight before you go? That might cool your heated temper, Kakashi." He nods, and Obito, who shoots you an apologetic look, agrees. Then the Sensei turns to you and smiles. "And you, Y/N, please go home. Your mum is waiting for you and she'll give me hell if we're not at the table in time for dinner."

You nod to your father, tie your red hair into a ponytail and smile. "As if the fastest shinobi was ever late for anything."

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