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Kakashi had been missing for four days. There was no sign of him, or even a whisper of him, at training or anywhere else. It's frustrating, and since you don't want to advertise whatever it is you had, you have to be careful who you ask about him.

"You're in a particularly bad mood today, aren't you?" Rin grabs the sake bottle from around you. "Or should I say you've been in a bad mood for quite some time? Shouldn't life with the little sweetheart be wonderful?"

"You've never lived with a baby in a house, have you?"

"Nope," Rin said, grinning at you.

You knew that your friend couldn't help it, but since you found out that she had been out with Kakashi... you really want to punch her in the face or ask her about the date. Although the first desire is clearly more prevalent. "So don't talk about things you know nothing about."

"Oooookay..." she grumbles and tips a sake into her mouth. Then she raises her hands in defence. "All right, Mrs. super-grumpy. Then another topic. How are things with Iruka? Did something finally happen?"

You blow out your breath in annoyance, take a sake yourself and then bury your face in your hands. "Not good."


"What's not to understand?" you hiss, throwing the stupid turkey an angry look.

"Yes, I understand everything. I just don't get it," she says contradictorily, frowning. "I thought your meetings were great and he was... nice." Rin raises her eyebrows.

"As nice as Kakashi on your dates?" you blurt out, biting your tongue in shock. Shit!

Rin swallows visibly. "How... Did he mention something?"

You shake your head. "As if Hatake would talk to me," you say, trying to act normal, even though your heart is pounding just thinking about his name. "I just overheard something."

"I'm going to kill Kurenai. That stupid cow just can't keep her mouth shut."

Since you've brought up the subject... "What happened?"

Rin throws herself down on the grass of the meadow at our old school and watches the sun set. It takes her several minutes to answer, shortly before you can get your hands on her bloody throat. "It was actually quite okay, and then, out of nowhere, Kakashi suddenly says that he has to go now."

"Aha," you say, forcing a nonchalant expression on your face. "And then?"

"Well, I asked him what he meant by saying that he had to go. Kakashi just turned around and said that I wouldn't understand anyway, because I wasn't her."

My pulse quickened and my hands became clammy. "She?"

"Yes. I wouldn't be her. That's what he said, and then he was gone."

Could it be? Were you her? Could you be the reason why he cancelled his date with Rin?

"It's a shame, really. I was wearing my really cute underwear."

You blink in confusion. "What?"

"You know, the black ones, with the lace."
"Did you want to..." Your fist clenches and it's not much that keeps you from using it.

"Screw Kakashi? Absolutely, yes! Man, (Y/N), look at Hatake. What girl wouldn't want him in her bed? Who wouldn't want to be the one to see his face?"

You're about to tell her that there's no guarantee of seeing his face if you spread your legs for him - as skilfully as he can put on his mask - but you think better of it. It would only raise questions. "You're a slut," you grumble instead and shut your mouth.

"Thanks a lot!" she growls and pours you and herself a sake. "Maybe you should take a leaf out of my book. Poor Iruka's balls will probably burst soon if you don't let him have a go."

"Oh shut up you..."

"Who's balls are going to burst?" asks Obito, who slips out of the shadows of the building. Thick followed by... Kakashi.

"Speak of the devil," Rin whispers, deliberately not looking at the white-haired shinobi. You, on the other hand, can't take your eyes off him. "It had to be that idiot who showed up right now."

"Come on, Rinni-Binni. Whose manhood is in danger? Although, everyone should be afraid of you, shouldn't they?" Obito grins. "It's a good thing that good old Kakashi made a quick exit. Otherwise I would have thought you were talking about his magnificent balls."

Rin jumps up and gives him the finger. "Fuck you, Uchiha! Come on (Y/N), let's get out of here. It's getting a bit crowded in here and I don't feel like listening to the chatter of the clown of the shinobi world."

You keep looking at Kakashi. And he at you. But then Rin grabs your arm and practically drags you away. "Hello? Come on, let's get out of here."

"Actually," Kakashi says suddenly and you turn your head abruptly. You and Rin and Obito. Kakashi, stay relaxed. "Actually, I want to talk to (Y/N) shortly. If it's okay with you?" he asks you, his gaze once again hitting you to the core.

Obito's jaw drops and you understand only too well why. Kakashi has never wanted to talk to me alone. NEVER. At least not in a way that others would have noticed that he wanted to.

Something in his gaze softens and your heart skips a beat. Those damn eyes. Those wonderful, mysterious, beautiful, dreamlike eyes. You bite your lip and pull it into your mouth. His gaze immediately shoots to this movement and he straightens up.

"This can't be true!" Rin exclaims and lets go of your arm. "You're joking, right? You and Hatake? WOW!"

Kakashi's eyes seem reluctant to leave yours and meet Rin's. "Just because I didn't want you doesn't mean that..."

"Who are you trying to fool, Hatake? It couldn't be more obvious. Have you noticed how the sparks are flying here?" He remains silent. "Well then. Don't take me for a fool. Well then..." Rin crosses her arms and looks from him to me. Then she addresses Obito. "Come on, Uchiha. Let's leave the lovebirds alone. Let's just hope that poor Iruka realises what's going on soon enough.«
"Rin," you start, but she stops you. "It's fine. Let's go, Red-Eye."

Obito, who apparently doesn't know whether to grin or be worried, hesitates at first, but then he doesn't. "I'm already there, Rinni-Binni. But if I'm to come with you, you have to promise me that my balls stay where they are."

"Fuck, yeah. I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole."

You can still hear Obito laughing and them walking away, but all you consciously perceive now is Kakashi Hatake in front of you.

And unfortunately, despite the racing of your heart, you have a bad feeling.

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