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Three weeks, four dates and a fleeting kiss on the cheek later, you are sitting with an ice cream in your hand, leaning against a wall and letting the sun shine on your face. The day is peaceful and later you have another date with Iruka, who has suggested a picnic at sunset. You were only too happy to agree and your heart actually beats faster and faster when you think of Iruka. Just like now. You close your eyes and wonder if today is the day you will kiss him. For real. You feel your cheeks getting hot and grin as you take your lip between your teeth and nibble on it. What will it feel like to be kissed by him? Without further ado, you decide that if he doesn't take the initiative today, you will take the first step yourself.

Suddenly a shadow appears in front of you and you forgive the face. "Can't you see that I'm soaking up the sun? Make sure you take a step to the side, Obito. I've been sitting here for twenty minutes waiting for you, by the way. Just as a side note."

A voice that is much too dark and definitely not Obito's answers you. "If that's the case, you'll have to wait a little longer. Uchiha sends his apologies."

Your stupid heart makes a painful jump when you open your eyes and look at Kakashi. "What do you want?"

He raises an eyebrow. "That's not exactly a friendly greeting."

"You're not the person I want to see either. I'm supposed to meet Obito, not you."

"And why?"

"Why what? I'm on a date? That's hardly any of your business," you reply, standing up so that Kakashi can't look down on you so much. It doesn't really change much, because he's still a good deal taller than you, but it makes you feel less... small.

"I want to know why I'm not the person you want to see," he replies, throwing you off a little.

You look at him and search his gaze for the usual arrogance, but apart from an unidentifiable sparkle, you can't make out anything in his dark eyes. You clear your throat and decide it's better to adopt a certain aggressive stance right away. The years you spent with him as a team-mate have taught you that once Hatake wants to know something, he doesn't give up so easily. So it's better to be safe than sorry. "Do I really have to tell you why I don't appreciate your company?" He narrows his eyes, but you continue talking as you push past him, throw the ice into the nearest bin and start walking. Where you go is completely irrelevant for now. The main thing is to keep moving and to make as little eye contact with him as possible. "First of all, there's the fact that you're not exactly the friendliest of shinobi, which makes your company less than amusing. Then you've never made an effort to spend time with me. So why should I want to now? On top of that, you don't value my company yourself."

"Who says that?"

You snort and anger gathers in your stomach. "What the hell, Kakashi? Just go away, bother someone else and leave me alone. You only paid attention to me when it came to the team, otherwise not. What am I supposed to think? We're not friends. You and Obito, yes. Asuma, Kurenai, Gai, Iruka, Yamato and you, yes. You're friends. You and me? No.« You think the next sentence, but you don't dare to say it. After the exam, we don't owe each other anything anymore. Then the team is unnecessary and you can go it alone or annoy someone else. Because I will definitely ask Father for a new group.

Instead of leaving, as you expected, Kakashi continues to walk beside you, unperturbed. He is silent now, but the strange tension remains. It is even increasing. As is your anger. What was the donkey thinking? He has been behaving like a simple shinobi colleague for years, and now I am supposed to justify myself to him? After what he has done? Never!

But why is your heart beating so fast? Why does it hurt with every step? Why does your pulse race when you smell him?

"What are you up to today?"

What's that supposed to mean? "Not that it's any of your business, but I'm meeting Iruka. And you?" you ask, snappishly, and then you turn abruptly into a street that is not even remotely in the direction of your home.

"Are you two a couple now, or what?"

You don't like his tone and you whirl around, annoyed. Unfortunately, Kakashi has stayed close behind you and so you push him in the chest. You stay close to him for a second and let him look at you, but then you push him away. "And if I were? Would you have a problem with that?"

He remains unmoved, just looking at you, allowing you to roll your eyes and turn away. However, when you are almost at the end of the street, he grabs your arm and turns you around to face him. You look Kakashi in the eyes, both of them, because he has apparently pushed up his headband. His Sharingan flashes and you involuntarily look into it.

Your heart is pounding. Your pulse is racing. Your blood is boiling and your mouth is dry.

He comes a little closer and instead of backing away, you let Kakashi manoeuvre you against the stone wall. Your back presses against the wall and the cold penetrates your clothes. And all Hatake does is look at you with his typical expression, while his grip on your arm prevents you from leaving. It's not tight and you could easily get out of it, but... you don't. Instead, you and he just look at each other.

"How many times do I have to tell you that my life is none of your business?" you begin, what feels like an eternity later. "How many times do I have to tell you that nothing I do has to concern you. My private life is private. You already asked me at the party if I liked Iruka before you... just leave it alone!"

"Do you like him?" he asks, unimpressed, and comes so close to you that you hold your breath. His lips, covered by the fabric, are now only centimetres away from your face. If you were to stand on your tiptoes and pull off his mask, then...

You turn your head away. "I'm not going to play your stupid games, Hatake. Whatever is going on in your head, leave me out of it. What happened at the party, what I imagined I felt for you, is... irrelevant. You made it clear what I can expect from you, and I'm doing the same," you lie to his face, even though you have to fight back the tears. You pull your arm out of his grip and immediately start to miss the warmth, you stupid cow. "Leave me alone."

He doesn't say a word as you turn around, calm your heart and walk to the corner. Faster than necessary. You decide to avoid Kakashi from now on, just as he has always avoided you. What happened at the Parts was a wake-up call that had to bring you to your senses. Because whatever feelings you had started to develop, they weren't good. Just like Obito had said, just like your mum had said, and just like anyone else would probably tell you.

Kakashi Hatake was no good for you.

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