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"Fuck!" Kakashi hisses, increasing the speed of his thrusts. A wet sound accompanies his movements as your last fulfilment fades away. "That's fucking great! You're so fucking soft and wet. Can you lift your leg?" he wants to know. "I'll support you. Then push your pelvis back and down so that I... Shit!" he hisses, muffling his words against your ear as you do what he wants.

Kakashi moves continuously, pushing his erection further in and out of your slit. The massage of his fingers stops, because with one arm he now lifts your leg in the air and with the other hand he still muffles your moans. He gently bends your head back until his cheek is resting on yours. This movement causes your back to arch and you automatically push your bottom closer to him. Out of the corner of your eye you see his eyes, closed in concentration.

He sighs darkly and his breath brushes against you. "I won't last much longer, (Y/N). You're just too good! You're... Yes! You're perfect! Shit, you turn me on so damn much."

You would like to say something back and tell him that he is perfect too! That everything he does to you makes you want to burst into a thousand pieces. That every kiss and every touch drives you crazy. That this, the friction of his body against yours, is so damn hot that you can hardly breathe! And that his hard flesh is teasing yours so expertly that new spasms are already beginning to form. But his fingers on your lips prevent all that. Instead, you now move your body too and counter his teasing movements with more pressure. His grip around your lips suddenly becomes firmer and he bends your neck even further backwards. His mouth rests on the curve of your neck and he bites firmly.

The small, unexpected pain and the fact that he hits your most sensitive spot with your shaft at exactly the right moment makes you open your lips under his hand. If his fingers didn't prevent it, you would have screamed out loud, it was such a good feeling. So damn good! You tremble because the approaching orgasm gallops through your lower body like a racehorse. This seems to excite Kakashi so much that he comes to a climax in an instant. He stops every movement, turns to the side and ejaculates somewhere else.

It should interest you, but all you can think about is that you are so close to fulfilment. So damn close! Your whole body is literally vibrating with unfulfilled desire. "Kakashi," you breathe out longingly and turn onto your back. "Kakashi, I-"

"Yes," you hear him say, and before you know what's happening, he's on top of you. His mouth presses against your lap and he immediately licks you wildly and uninhibitedly. You throw your head back into the pillow and claw your fingers into the sheets. You moan and whimper as quietly as you can while Hatake circles his tongue, sucks you and kisses your slit with a smacking sound. Your legs are shaking and you know that it can only take a few more seconds. Seconds until you experience an orgasm for the second time, which will probably leave you almost unconscious! Hatake licks and licks and when his fingertips touch your entrance and he just inserts them very gently, you arch up and come. God, that feeling! You wish he would push them further into you and... "Kakashi! Kakashi!" you whimper his name and come again before the other climax has faded away.

You slump backwards, exhausted, and remain lying there with your eyes closed, trembling. His tongue slows down, his fingers disappear, and before he can say anything, you fall asleep without being able to do anything about it.


Three more days and many visitors later, you drag yourself down the stairs of your house, bored. Obito is right behind you. Your parents have insisted that you stay in bed for the rest of the week, because they wanted to be on the safe side. You're still too weak, your mum said to you just this morning.

But apparently you're not too weak to take care of your brother, as the sleeping bundle in your arms confirms.

"Why don't you put the little rascal in his bed?" Uchiha asks, looking over your shoulder.

You sigh. "Because the brat will wake up right away! Naruto has this stupid habit of waking up whenever he touches the mattress. It's really a bit creepy. He only sleeps when he's in your arms. Even at night!"

"Well, he just likes to be close to others. He's just a baby."

"Yeah, but I've been carrying the runt around for an hour and a half," you grumble, then sink down into a chair. "You're welcome to take him off my hands."

Obito laughs and raises his hand in a defensive manner, which you interpret as a clear "No, thanks." Great, you think to yourself. What a good friend you are. Then you pull yourself together and ask as nonchalantly as possible: "Have you heard anything from Kakashi?"

He shakes his head, but his eyes flash once and you know exactly that they only do that when he's hiding something from you. You haven't seen Hatake since the night at the hospital. And even when your father decided to reverse his, from the outset, brain-dead idea and let Kakashi back into your team after the incident with Iruka, he remained missing. The exam was postponed for your team for a whole month, so at least it wasn't too bad that he was missing. But only because of that. The fact that he's gone for the second time since you've been walking to school together is really annoying you.

"You know something," you say, pointing your finger at him threateningly. "You know something about Kakashi and you're not telling me. Why?"

Obito makes a face, sits down next to you and rubs his nose. Then he looks at Naruto and then at you. "Before I tell you what I might know or not, I want you to tell me honestly what's going on with you and Kakashi."

You swallow. "I told you that."

"No," he growls. "I suspected that you had a crush, and then you vehemently denied it. Then there was that thing when Kakashi showed up and wanted to talk to you, but you never said anything about that either and preferred to avoid the issue with stupid platitudes. You stopped dating Iruka. From one day to the next. But neither you nor he ever really answered my questions. I mean, I'm used to that from Kakashi. But you... you tell me and Rin everything else. Or do you?"

At the mention of your girlfriend, whom you haven't seen in a long time, you flinch. Nevertheless, you prefer to ask something else than to inquire about her. "What does Kakashi say when you talk to him about me?" You remember that you had this conversation almost exactly like this before.

Obito narrows his eyes. "Before I tell you that, I want you to answer me what exactly is going on."

You sigh and, although you are reluctant, you say: "All right. If you really want to know. There is something going on between us."

"Somehow?" You nod. "That would explain why he was so rough on Iruka after the accident during training." You nod again and Obito pulls a face. "And how much walking to, if I may ask?"

"No, you may not, if it's about my virginity." Obito's eyes widen and you almost laugh. Almost, but only almost. You say: "It's only a matter for me and Kakashi."

He makes a strange sour sound. "Shit, (Y/N)! Please tell me you didn't do that. Please."

You simply ignore this statement and continue talking. "If that's a question about my relationship status with him, I don't know. But," you start honestly and no longer think about whether it's good or bad to say it. "Then I think we're kind of together."

Obito's expression remains unchanged. But there is that glint in his eyes again. "Did he tell you that? That you are a couple now?"

The way Obito emphasises this makes you suspicious and you lean forward, as far as Naruto on your arm allows. "Obito, what do you know? Where is Kakashi?"

The expression remains unchanged for a second, then another. And just when you're about to implode, his posture changes. Obito slumps a little and his gaze on you becomes gentle. Too gentle.

Your heart beats faster as you realise that this can't be a good sign and that this gentleness is perhaps also compassion. He sighs.

"You won't like what I have to say."

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