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"Listen, (Y/N). I know you think we're stupid again, but if you don't tell me who was here tonight soon, your father will surely implode."

Your mum is rocking your whining brother back and forth in an attempt to get him to sleep. You sigh and throw yourself on your bed. It squeaks and Naruto cries louder. "Nobody was here. How many times do I have to say that?"

Your mum gives you a withering look. "It's the middle of the night and I don't want to be lied to by you! My goodness, (Y/N)! What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing!" you grumble for the hundredth time. But this time, too, you don't convince the clever Kushina. With obsessive concentration, you repress the images and feelings that have been haunting you since Kakashi disappeared. He had somehow noticed the approaching arrival of your parents and had disappeared through the garden in no time at all. Not without stealing a loving kiss from you first. Your teeth start to tingle and you tuck them under the blanket. "I've already explained it. I was alone."

She laughs unhappily. "When did you start keeping things from me?"

"I'm not keeping anything from you," you retort, but at the same time you think: the moment you all decided that Kakashi Hatake was not good for me. After Minato caught you with Kakashi in the alley, your mum was also convinced that Kakashi could not have good intentions for you. And because she was so convinced of it, she immediately issued a damn ban on meeting him outside of training. Although your father was not exactly enthusiastic, because he knew how difficult it would be. But because his beloved Kushina wanted it, he agreed. "I was alone. What more can I say?"

Kushina narrowed her eyes. "Is that your final answer? You were alone? All evening? No one was here?"

"I've told you a million times, Mum!"

"Well then," Kushina mumbled disappointedly and left the room. Naruto was still crying quietly when you heard the creaking of the stairs. Then you hear noises from downstairs and when footsteps come back, you sit up.

Your mum comes back, holding a piece of fabric. "If you were alone, can you explain to me whose underwear this is?"

Your whole body stiffens and your lips form a silent "Oh". She throws the garment into the middle of your room and looks at you disappointedly. "Explain yourself, child."

"Mum, I..." You don't know what to say. "It's not what it looks like."

"Oh no?" she calls out loudly, clenching her fists. New footsteps approach and Minato steps behind his angry wife. He puts his hand on her shoulder and she automatically steps closer to him. "What is it then, (Y/N)? What can you say about it?"

"Well, I... It's like this... I..."

"Who was here?" she asks again, and the tone of her voice is both deadly serious and utterly disappointed.

You feel sick as you whisper, "Nobody."

You don't look at your parents, but you can still feel their disappointment settling over you like a blanket. You disappoint them. You lie to them. And you hate yourself for it. But what's the alternative? Betray Kakashi and put him in serious trouble? No, you can't do that. So you stay quiet and don't answer anymore. You bear their reproachful looks and take all the blame.

Kushina storms out angrily, leaving you alone with the Hokage. Your father watches her go, but then he looks away from her back and at you. His eyes narrow, but he amazingly restrains his feelings and sits down next to you. He purses his lips into a tight line as his eyes fall on the underwear.

"Why did you let Kakashi Hatake in? Knowing full well that we don't allow visitors when we're not at home ourselves? You know the rules, (Y/N)."

Your head shoots to the yellow-haired ninja. "Father, I..."

"Dare you lie to me here and now, daughter!"

You close your lips. "I'm sorry."

He nods slightly and takes a deep breath. He lets out a loud sigh and asks: "Have you and he slept together? Did Kakashi-«

"No! No, father. Nothing like that happened," you interrupt him in the middle of the sentence. "We didn't sleep together. I... That didn't happen." Heaven! That you have to have this conversation with him of all people is terrible!

He points to the fabric with one hand. "Please don't lie to me."

"I'm not," you reply, jumping up and finally picking up the item. You stuff it into a drawer and then lean against the cupboard. "But I can't tell you what happened today either."

Minato swallows. "You are my daughter," he says, as if that makes some kind of statement. "You are the daughter of the Hokage."

You snort gently. "And I'm a young woman, father. An independent, growing woman who... is gaining experience and-"

He waves his hand and squints his eyes. "Stop! You are my daughter, (Y/N)," he repeats and stands up. "That's all that matters to me. So when I open the door to my house after a long day and walk in, I have the right to be angry if a man's underwear turns up under my sofa. You are my daughter and this is my house!"

You nod. He is right and the situation is as clear to him as it is to you. You both have your own point of view and neither of you is willing to empathise with the other at the moment. "What punishment do I expect?"

He laughs unhappily and leaves the room. "I'll have to discuss that with your mum."

Great! Just great!


"You what?!", you scream two days later, so loudly that it must be heard at the training ground at the other end of the field. Every shinobi training for the Jonin selection test stops what he is doing. They all look at you. They all look at you as you stand there, indignant, in front of the Hokage. "What does that mean, Obito and I are getting a new member?"

"It means what it means." Minato crosses his arms and looks stubbornly past you.

"But, Hokage, with all due respect," Obito begins, scratching his head. "But I don't quite understand why we have to do without Kakashi. I mean, we've been a well-rehearsed team for years. It will be very difficult to get used to a new member just days before the exams."

Your father nods in understanding and you clench your fists. Tears of anger gather in the corners of your eyes, but you force them back. That wasn't fair! It wasn't right that it should punish your stupid rule violation. Especially because it doesn't just punish you and Kakashi, but also Obito.

"Father-" you begin, but he raises his hand in a certain gesture. You clench your teeth and begin to tremble. He was such an ass!

Obito watched you and frowned. Thoughtfully, he tilted his head as if he was considering why you were reacting so strongly. Then his eyes widened and he looked at his Hokage. Shortly, dissatisfaction crossed his features, but then he nodded to Minato Namikaze. "And who will be the new member?" he asked and then shook his head.

"I understand your displeasure, Uchiha, but I am not a monster. Your new member is Iruka Umino. You know each other well and I assume that this change will not cause any problems."

Your whole body stiffens and you can only stare at Minato in disbelief. "Are you really serious, Father? Do you think you can change anything with this? Do you think you can control it?" Your anger makes your voice harsh and dark, so that the Hokage has no choice but to look at you.

His eyes flash angrily. "Not another word. I have decided and that's how it will happen!"

Without waiting to hear what you have to say, your father's double disappears, leaving you and Obito alone in the square. Everyone is still looking at you, and when Obito puts his hand on your shoulder, a tear rolls down your cheek. Where the hell is Kakashi?

You look around and complain loudly: "What are you all staring at? Mind your own business!"

"(Y/N)," Obito whispers reassuringly. "Don't get so worked up. It'll all work out."

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