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The way back is silent and only your footsteps seem to be audible in the now dark alleys. Even the moon, which is still hanging low, seems louder than you two. But where such silence could sometimes be peaceful, this is anything but pleasant. It is embarrassing and somehow also emotional. You know that Iruka has something on his mind, and you can't really blame him. He's smart and... Iruka has probably realised a connection. Maybe even one that you don't even know yourself.

It is only shortly before your house that Iruka actually stops and takes a deep breath. "What's going on between you and Kakashi?"

You look at him with feigned disbelief, but you can't quite hide your reaction to his question. "Nothing. What makes you think there's something going on?"

"After what just happened, it's pretty obvious. I beg you."

"He's an ass, Iruka. That's all."

The shinobi looks at you and remains silent for a moment before continuing. "That's not right and you know it. Let's be honest, shall we?" You swallow dryly and resist the urge to bite your lip. "I had a suspicion after the party. Something was there, but I actually thought that Kakashi was just being a bastard again and said something stupid that made you leave. But... something more must have happened.«


"Listen, (Y/N), we haven't made any commitments to each other yet. We're just dating. So you're welcome to tell me what happened at Obito's party, or not. It's entirely up to you, really. It's ultimately something that concerns you and him, and you can sort it out between yourselves. But it would be nice to know if I'm wasting my time with you."

"Oh, wow!" You sound a little offended and cross your arms in front of your chest. "That was really... clear, Iruka."

"(Y/N) you know what I mean. Shit, that was a bit poorly worded." He rubs his face. "I'll try again. Look, the point is whether I can keep inviting you out or not. Because to be honest, I really like you. I also have no problem with Kakashi, who obviously has some kind of problem with us being together. To be honest, and I say this as his buddy, he might need a lesson in the form of an opponent who gives him a run for his money. I just don't want to try to win you over if you really like him more than me. It would be nice to know that before I fall in love with you, you know? That's what I mean by wasting time. I just don't want to get myself into something that turns out to be a dead end. Oh, damn, I'm really bad at explaining this, but I hope you know what I'm trying to say.«

You let out a loud breath and let your hands drop. "I get it. You just want to protect yourself." He nods and you lean against the wall of your neighbour's house, exhausted. You bite the inside of your cheek and look at Iruka from the side, who seems to be looking at the moon. What do you say? The truth? It would probably be best, because he's really nice and... well, you like him.

"It's a bit complicated, I think," you start, but then decide to tell him the truth. "A while ago, I think I started to look at Kakashi a little differently. I can't tell you why, because he was never different to me than he usually is, but... I don't know. It's just the way it is. I... just like him. And yes, something happened at Obito's house.« When Iruka meets your gaze, you lower your eyelids. »I don't want to go into too much detail, but... ultimately he wasn't really nice and... yes.«

"Why did you agree to go out with me then?" he asks, quite rightly, and you sigh.

"Because I like you too."

He nods sympathetically and looks back up at the sky. For a few minutes, the oppressive silence returns and it seems to laugh at you mockingly. At least that's how it seems to you.

"So..." Iruka says, crossing his arms behind his head.


"I don't think I'll be asking you out on dates for a while."

Disappointment spreads through you and you try not to hide it. But you nod, because of course you understand Iruka. "I really understand, and I'm sorry, Iruka. But I want you to know that I really like you too and the dates were wonderful."

"Oh, I know that and I hope that future boyfriends will too."

You raise your head in confusion and see him grinning. Now you don't understand anything anymore. "But I thought you... didn't want to go on dates anymore?"

"Yes, that's right. I don't want to invite you for a while."

"Okay?" you say, and it sounds like a question. "You should explain that to me, Iruka."

He laughs out loud and then stands in front of you. "You're cute when you don't understand something. So, you like Kakashi, for whatever reason, and you like me, you say."

"Um... yes."

"Good. I'll give you a little time off from dating to sort out your feelings, and as soon as you've done that, and you know what, or rather, who you want, we'll talk again. Until then, we'll stay friends."

"That... sounds really reasonable."

"It is, (Y/N). That's just the way I am. But," he says, suddenly getting serious. "Promise me that you'll only let me know when you know exactly what you want, okay? Like I said..."

"You don't want to waste your time in a dead end," you finish his sentence and wave your hand. "Yes. I promise you."

Iruka grins, shakes his head and then leans closer. "You're not only cute, but you can also be cheeky. I like that." He gives you a little kiss on the cheek, which is a little too close to your mouth to be just friendly, and then leans back. "Come on. I'll take you home now so you can start worrying about my great nature and me. I assume that you will quickly realise that someone like Kakashi can only lose against someone like me.«

"Oh?" you ask cheekily in a normal conversational tone as you walk to the door. You open the door and turn back to him.

"Sure," he replies a little late and grins happily. "I have husband potential. At least that's what my mum says."

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