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POV Kakashi:

You see Kunai flying towards you. You see Shuriken flying and know that you can no longer defend yourself. The previous attacks have weakened you so much that you can barely stand on your feet. Your chakra is used up and the eye with the Sharingan is already bleeding from how often you have used it. It's no use. There are too many of them and you are too weak. With your last ounce of strength, you manage to fend off one of the kunais, but then you feel four others smash into your body. One of them cuts a deep wound into your cheek, another one buries itself into your side and only just misses your lung. Another one severs your Achilles tendon, causing you to fall forwards. But the last one is the one that will kill you. It strikes hard into your chest and, if you judge it correctly, it has hit your heart. Your weapon falls from your trembling hands and before you can grab it again, a foot is placed on your hand. You scream as Deidara laughs and breaks all your fingers.

"You little traitor just won't die, will you?"

"At least," you gasp, coughing and spitting blood. "Not by your disgusting hand, you bastard! Come and let your boss give me the coup de grâce. No one would trust you to actually finish something anyway."

He kicks you in the face, cursing you. You fall over and land on your back. Unfortunately, you drive a shuriken deep into your flesh. "You know, we could have been friends, Kakashi. I actually thought we were. But I was wrong. You are and will remain Konoha's little, loyal lapdog."

He spits in your face and disappears. You wait for Nagato to come and finish you off, but instead it gets quiet in the forest. So damn quiet! So they leave you like a dog to die alone. In agony. That suits those wankers! At least you were able to take out three of seven. Their corpses should not be far from you.

You cough and realise that blood is walking to your mouth and nose. Your heartbeat slows down and your breathing becomes erratic. "Shit," you croak and cough again. This pain was all-encompassing and almost unbearable. More and more of your blood spreads out below you and although you fight against it, you feel faint.

Not like this, you think. Not like this! I still have to... I still have to apologise to (Y/N). I still have to tell her how sorry I am. I have to tell her that I... Shit, not like this! I still have to see her one last time. Please!

"(Y/N)," you breathe, blinking as a yellow flash splits the sky. "(Y/N)?"

"No. It's me, Sensei Minato."

Not quite the person you had hoped for, but if it's the only way... You try to lift your head, but it doesn't work. You take a deep breath in pain and let out a sound like that of a dying animal.

"Quiet, Kakashi. I'll get you out of here."

Too late, you think. "I'm dying, Sensei."

"You won't. You-"

"Yes, that's for sure. But... p-please do me... me a favour."

You see blurry, but you recognise that the sensei is bending towards you. "Tell me, Kakashi Hatake."

"Tell... t-tell (Y/N) that I'm... sorry and that I... I love her."

Minato snorts sadly and when he lifts you up, you faint for a few seconds. Then you manage to blink once more. Before your eyelids finally and forever close. "Tell her yourself, Kakashi Hatake."

Everything goes dark.


You open your eyes, but have to close them again because the dim light blinds you. Where the hell are you? What happened? Where...

You want to raise your hand, but you can't. Someone is holding you tight. Your head turns to the side and you almost scream in pain. Every bone hurts. Every piece of skin burns like fire. And then the memory hits you like a blow! Akatsuki! You were in the forest and they attacked you. They found out that you weren't one of them and...

Fingers twitching in your bed. You look at the small limbs that are clawing into your bandaged hand and refusing to let go. Your gaze slides over a slender arm, a delicate shoulder and then rests on closed eyes. (Y/N) is sitting on a chair on one side and lying half on your hospital bed on the other. Your heart beats faster and the machines start beeping. She slightly squints her eyes, but doesn't wake up. So you just keep looking at her. You look at her and soak up the sight of her. You store every detail. Because you know that Minato somehow managed to get you here, but that doesn't mean you're out of the woods yet. Your body is screaming in agony and even breathing is so painful that you wish you were dead. Almost.

"She hasn't left your side for a second."

Obito. You turn your head away unwillingly and look at your friend. He looks worried. Even the smile he gives you, and then (Y/N), can't hide that. "She's been sitting here for days and only goes out when she has to go to the toilet and wants to freshen up. And even then only if I'm keeping watch here."

You nod and even this small movement hurts. "How long was I unconscious?"

"Almost a week."

"Shit," you curse and close your eyes. "How is it looking?"

"You're almost over the worst, if Tsunade is to be believed."

"Almost," you laugh quietly and immediately regret it. "Not a nice word to say when you're lying here."

Now Obito is laughing too and comes to you. He carefully lays his hand on your shoulder. "Welcome back from the dead, my friend." You frown and he nods. "I mean it, brother. You were dead for a full twenty minutes. Dead! And-" Obito swallows. "That was no joke, Hatake. You can only blame her for the fact that you're looking so stupid right now. She insisted that Sakura and Tsunade continue with the revival. She stood there like a lioness and channelled almost all her chakra into you. And then she forced me and the Hokage to do the same. Until your stubborn heart started beating again.«

You squeeze your eyes shut, but the damn tear still manages to escape. "That's what she did, huh?"

"She did," confirms Obito. "And that despite the fact that you have lied to us all these years. And despite the fact that you have treated her like a piece of dirt."

You don't answer. You didn't realise that the Sensei would break his silence about you and what you do on the side, but you can't deny that enlightenment floods you. "How much do you know?"


"Do they?"

"She too," he repeats and nods.


"Is that it?" he wants to know, folding his arms. "I'm not sure. The Anbu, man! Really?"

You sigh and look back at (Y/N). "Can we sort this out at another time? I'm a bit exhausted at the moment. Rising from the dead takes a lot of energy."

Obito nods and then points at you. "You better be." He walks to the door and before he disappears, he says: "Nice that you're not dead."

You wait a moment, then you slide to the side with a lot of suppressed groans and an almost fainting effort. "Hey, (N/Y)! Wake up, my little one." She sighs softly, which makes you smile.

"Kakashi?" she asks sleepily. "Are you awake?"

"Yes," you whisper. "Are you awake?"

"Hmm," she mumbles, and you would have laughed if your chest hadn't been ripping apart.

She was not awake at all. Nevertheless, or perhaps because of that, you pull yourself together and manage to bend your fingers a little and pull her arm a little. "Lie down with me, (YN)."

"But you're hurt," she murmurs and yawns. Her eyes are still closed.

A new tear creeps across your cheek. "I don't care. Come on, I need you now. You're all I want now, (Y/N). All I ever wanted and will ever need."

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