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You enter the Uchiha estate and there are already a lot of people standing in the meadow in front of the huge house.

"When he said he wanted to let the pig out, Obito was probably not joking," says Rin, walking to your side. She waves to a girl who seems to be from Sunagakure and smiles broadly. "Well, at least it won't be boring. What do you think?"

"Sure. The more people, the better. I just wonder who's going to collect all the rubbish and the cups."

You don't yet know whether what he said is true and whether you think it's all that great. But because you don't want to ruin the evening before it's even started, you remain optimistic.

"Knowing Obito, he'll ask you for help first, Y/N."

"Yeah, that would suit him," you laugh and go in with Rin. "He can clean up and tidy up that mess himself."

You look around at the crowd and resist the urge to put your hands over your ears, the music is so loud. People your age are standing around everywhere, drinking, talking or dancing happily. The lights are dimmed and cast an interesting glow over everything. Somehow everyone seems a little suggestive and daring. You first twitch at your black top, which shows a strip of skin, and then at the trousers of the same colour, which only just reach your bottom.

"You look good, Y/N. Relax," Rin calls out to you loudly because the music is so loud. "It suits you perfectly!"

It was clear that she would say something like that, because after all, it's her clothes that you're wearing. "Do you see anyone?" you ask, taking the cup she has just snatched from a guy who is looking at Rin strangely. She raises it in a challenge and toasts you. She drinks it in one gulp and you do the same.

"Yuck!" you say, disgusted, and your throat burns. "Is that sake?"

"It seems so," she replies, then points to the right at a sofa group that is not really at home in Obito's house. His parents would kill him if he didn't put the furniture back in time. "The others are over there. Come on, let's go." We push our way through the crowd and then arrive at them.

"There they are!" Obito and Asuma call at the same time and throw themselves at us. Obito grabs you and Asuma lifts Rin and spins her around.

You scream because Obito also spins around in a circle before falling onto the couch with you. You crawl out of his lap and shake your head. "Tell me, how much have you drunk?"

"Hardly worth mentioning," he mumbles and hands you a new cup. "It was... seven sake and two beers?"

"Is that a question?" You blink at him in shock and shake your head. "Hardly worth mentioning, is it?"

He nods and tips another cup behind his head. "Let me have my fun, Miss Supervisor. Soon we'll finally be Jonin and then it'll be over with the parties."

A collective, artificial "oh" is heard and you raise your hand in a defensive and laughing manner to calm them down. "I won't say anything else. You just keep drinking. But don't come and whine when you regret the consequences. The Sensei will show you no mercy."

"Oh, nonsense! What consequences? And today, all of Konoha belongs to you, right, friends!" he yells, and the crowd cheers. Then Obito leans back and looks at Asuma, who is still holding Rin in a headlock. "Besides, your good sensei happens to be your dear old dad, which can only be good for me." You smile. "Hey, Asu! Let go of Rin, your girlfriend is getting jealous.«

Your gaze shoots to Kurenai, whose red glowing eyes are truly focused on her lover. However, she smiles gently, because she knows that Rin is like a little sister to Asuma. She nods to you and only now do you notice that a rather bored Kakashi is sitting next to her. Your smile freezes on your lips as he just raises his hand and sips at his drink. No greeting, nothing at all. His gaze quickly wanders away from you and he looks at the crowd instead. You swallow. Great, you think and shortly look at his appearance. Unfortunately, his dark outfit only makes you swallow against the loo again. Kakashi was really hot. And for thinking that, you would like to slap yourself.

Your gaze quickly skims over the others and you nod at them with a smile. Yamato and Iruka are sitting opposite you and raise their glasses to clink. You return the gesture and then let Asuma, Obito and Rin draw you into a conversation about trivial matters.


The party turned out to be really fun and you had a great time. After you had drunk a few cups of beer and bags, talked a lot and laughed a lot, Rin had grabbed you at some point and pulled you onto the "dance floor".

Now you are swaying rhythmically to some song and laughing because Rin and Obito have started to do totally crazy dances, making everyone laugh. Including themselves.

"They're really silly," someone says, and you whirl around to face Iruka, who is standing right behind you. He smiles down at you. His face is sweaty, but you probably look the same. "Do you want to... dance?" he asks, leaning forward so that you can hear him. His breath tickles your ear lobe and you giggle.

"I am dancing," you call out, laughing, and lean towards him so that he can understand you too. "Can't you see that?" To emphasise your words, you take a step back and turn in a circle. "Look!"

Iruka smiles. "I mean with me, Y/N. I'd like it if you'd dance with me."

"Really?" you joke, wondering what cup of tea you started drinking to become so bold. "And if I say no?"

"Then I will leave the dance floor in shame and, like a beaten dog, envy those who manage to warm your heart." Iruka laughed when you did too and looked at you expectantly. "So?"

You nod and point to the kitchen. "Just let me have a quick drink of water."

"Shall I get you a glass?" he offers, but you shake your head.

"No, that's fine. I'll be right back. In the meantime, why don't you warm up a little and get into the swing of things?" you encourage him with a laugh, pointing behind him.

"Do you promise?"

"Shinobi, I promise," you reply. Then you turn around and sneak into the kitchen. Surprisingly, it is very quiet here and only one other ninja is pouring himself a drink. But he also disappears, leaving you alone on the top shelf, fishing for a glass. "Oh, damn," you grumble and stand on tiptoe. But that doesn't help either.

A hand pushes in front of you and you tense up as you realise someone is behind you. You know the smell only too well. A glass comes into view and you take it hesitantly.

"I assume you wanted that?" a dark voice asks you, and you press yourself against the kitchen counter.

"Erm, yes. Thank you," you stammer somewhat embarrassed and are strangely saddened that the warmth in your back disappears. You turn around and meet Kakashi's gaze, which glides down at you inquisitively. He scrutinises you extensively and somehow strangely intensely. "That was nice of you."

"Yes, that's just how I am."

A half-amused, half-angry sound escapes you. "Sure. You're the epitome of kindness, Kakashi Hatake. If you're not known for that particular character trait, then what are you known for? Oh, wait, I'd say your coldness and dislike would come to mind. They far exceed your charm, don't you think?" You cover your mouth as his gaze becomes piercing. He remains silent, but you apologise. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that." Embarrassed, you want to walk around him, but he stands in your way, blocking your path to the door. You take a step back and try to suppress the pounding of your heart. "Can... let me through, please?"

"Surely the sake is to blame for your open talkativeness." You remain silent and raise your eyebrows. His statement emphasises your own. "Do you want to dance with Iruka?" Kakashi suddenly wants to know and pushes his hands into the pockets of his trousers. Your eyes follow the movement and you feel hot.

You remain silent for a heartbeat and then blink away the attack of heat. "Why?" He remains silent in your place and you snort in annoyance because he still doesn't want to answer a long moment later. "Well, no answer is also an answer," you mumble and push past him with assertiveness. But you only manage it because he lets you. "If you remember your objections," you say louder over your shoulder and stand in the doorway for a second without turning around, "then you're welcome to share them with me, Kakashi. You'll find me with Iruka and the others."

Proud of your courage, you blow a wet strand of hair out of your face and walk to Iruka, who seems to be expecting you.

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