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He doesn't hesitate for a second, but instead asks you to close your eyes. You obey and lower your lids so that Kakashi can remove the mask. His lips brush against yours. "I want you to know that I won't be sleeping with you tonight, (Y/N). " You want to protest, but Kakashi kisses the corners of your mouth and the softness of his lips immediately enchants you. "Which doesn't mean that I don't plan to give you and me some relief." He kissed you again, but not quite this time either. He merely traced the contours of your lips with his own. You sighed lightly and bent your back a little. Then he asked, laughing softly: "How experienced are you, (Y/N)?

"What?" you gasp, slightly irritated.

"I want to know how far you've gone. What have you done besides sex? I don't want to know with whom, just what."

You hesitate and your face immediately turns red. The heat creeps slowly over it and you would like to put your hands on your face. Your fingers are already twitching. "I...

"Don't be ashamed. Not in front of me. Just tell me. I need to know what I can and can't expect from you."

What can he trust me to do? What did that mean? You are tempted to ask, but then decide against it. Whatever it meant, it could wait. What was important now was that he didn't stop touching you. "I've kissed someone here and there," you start, breathing louder as Kakashi nibbles on your earlobe. "I... was touched."

Kakashi growled softly and the sound gave you goose bumps. "Where?" he wants to know. "Where did someone touch you?"

"On my breasts."
"Show me how," he demands in an eroticising tone of command.

You obey his demand and place your fingers on your breast. Right in the middle and on your hard nipple. "Like this," you whisper.

"And what did he do then?"

"He started to massage me and-" as Kakashi places his hand on yours and begins to guide a massaging motion, you moan. Your nipple immediately becomes harder and more sensitive.

"What else?" he wants to know and licks your neck with his tongue. "What else did you let him do?"

You sigh because the touch is so pleasant, even through your pyjamas, and heats your crotch. "Only what you did in the bathroom."

You hear Kakashi take a sharp breath and his lips come to a halt on your skin. "I was the first to touch you like that? No one else has touched you like that or seen you naked?"

"Apart from myself and the little bit of fumbling with clothes on? Yes," you confirm quietly, not quite sure whether you should be ashamed or not. "You were the first." But when Kakashi continues and his hand moves to the buttons of your top, you couldn't care less. All you can think about is that you're not wearing any underwear. As soon as he opens the buttons...

Number one, two and three open and when Hatake realises that he is only expecting to see naked skin, you hear him laugh darkly. "Do you actually know how hot the thought makes me that nobody else has ever seen you? That I am the one who does it first?" Before you can ask what he means, Kakashi has pulled your top off without a word. You resist the urge to cover yourself. And instead you claw at the sofa. You suddenly feel hot air on you and your lower body immediately starts to throb. Oh shit, you think and grip the sofa cushion tighter. Oh, shit, shit!

"The hero in the story," Kakashi begins to tell you, and when his breath touches your erect nipple, you whimper softly. Your breasts become heavy and although you have already felt pleasure, this tops every feeling you have ever experienced. "He took great care of the needs of his loved ones. And he started with that." His lips close around your nipple and you moan without being able to stop yourself.

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