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You put the paper bag on the round table and stare at it. Then you start to unpack the shopping. You spread it out on the dining table without rhyme or reason.

"(Y/N)? Is that you?"

Your hand remains in the air. "Were you expecting someone else?" you ask tonelessly, then slam the peas unnecessarily hard onto the table.

"Ouch," says Kakashi, standing next to you and leaning against the wood. He looks at you, but you avoid his gaze. "What did the can do to you? What did it do to deserve your anger?"

You don't answer, but instead walk past him and put two bags of frames on the shelf above the sink. You are still silent.

"(Y/N)?", Kakashi grabs your arm as you try to walk past him. He pulls you to his chest and begins to kiss your neck. "Who stepped on your foot?"


"That's good then," he whispers against your neck and gently bites your neck. "I'd still like to try and cheer you up a little. You know I'm not in the best of shape yet and I need you as a happy element in my life." His kisses move up and over your chin. He nibbles playfully on your lower lip while his hands rest on your bottom and squeeze gently. "And sexy. I need you sexy too."

Before his tongue can push into your mouth, you pull back. "I met Hinata."

He stops moving and his hand slides down your back. Then he clears his throat. "She's still there?"

"Didn't you know? I thought you were so close. At least that's what Hinata said."

He narrows his eyes slightly. "Not really, no."

"So you let lots of people shower in your shower who you're not close to?" You take a step back and watch as his posture stiffens.

He's nervous. And that tells you enough. Your lips are trembling, so you start biting on them while your eyes continue to meet. Seconds. Minutes. You don't know how long you've been staring at each other, but with every passing second you're more and more certain that Kakashi now knows what your little theatre is about.

To your infinite horror, he nods. "She told you that-" Your flat hand hits his cheek and Kakashi's head tilts to the side. His jaw tightens and it's strange to see that without his mask. Strangely, you sometimes miss it. "I wanted to tell you. I-" Your slap interrupts him again. He growls softly and as you swing your hand again, he grabs your wrist in a flash. You try to use your other hand, but he grabs that too. "I wanted to tell you!" he whispers deeply and forgives his mouth. His cheek is bright red. "I wanted to tell you!"

"And when?" you growl back at him. "When were you planning to tell me that you've been screwing that Hinata girl all this time?"

"I didn't fuck her all the time. I-"

"Were you with her when I came here? When I came to tell you that-" You stop yourself and try to free yourself from his grip.

"What did you want to tell me?" he asks.

You snort and are tempted to spit in his face. "That you're an asshole."

He laughs. "No. You didn't mean that."

"But I do now! You're a fucking asshole!" Your knee shoots up and Kakashi lets go of your hands to protect his balls. You push yourself away from him. "What is this? What does this mean to you?"

"Everything. You know that," he answers without hesitation. And if the circumstances were different, you might be able to believe him.

But now, you just burst out laughing. Kakashi looks at you as if you were crazy and maybe he was right. "Okay! So let me summarise, shall I? You and I are something that means everything to you. But even though that's the case - and according to you, it's been like that for a while - you still fucked Hinata?" He remains silent, which makes you laugh even louder. "Now I understand! Not only are you a first-class asshole, but you also think I'm a complete idiot! You know what, Hatake? I'm finally done with you. I-"

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