Nightmares - L X Reader

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 Nightmares - L X Reader

"(F/N), are you all right?" L's monotone voice didn't show any emotion as he called out to you, but you knew that deep down, he really cared about you. And you cared about him, too. The two of you had been friends - and colleagues - for a while, and recently you'd become L's girlfriend when you'd plucked up the courage to kiss him like your instincts had been telling you to - and then, to your surprise, he'd kissed you back. The relationship wasn't one like a normal couple would have, but you didn't mind the lack of dates and hand-holding. That sort of stuff had never really appealed to you anyway, and you were content with what you and L had.

"I'm absolutely fine," you replied. You were in the kitchen standing by the cupboards, images of the nightmares you kept having flashing through your head as you tried unsuccessfully to block them out. You'd been having the same nightmare for two weeks, and you weren't sure why, but it was really bothering you.

L seemed to realise that you were lying, and wandered into the kitchen to find you. He came to stand next to you, and you automatically reached for his hand, lacing your fingers with his. He looked surprised for a moment, then his gaze hardened. "Something's wrong," he said. "Nightmares?" You nodded, surprised at how quickly he'd guessed. "How long have you been having them?" he asked.

You swallowed. "About three weeks now, more or less."

"No wonder you've been hiding in here instead of sitting with me - it's not like you to be distracted from work without a reason." He frowned. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want you to worry," you told him.

L didn't say a word, and just leant down suddenly, putting one arm behind your knees and the other arm against your back. He lifted you up into his arms, bridal-style, ad carried you out of the kitchen. He was strong for someone so skinny. He carried you all the way to your bedroom, opening the door with his bare foot and placing you gently down on the bed, with your head on the pillow. "You should rest until you're feeling okay again," he said, softly. "I won't be far away."

He turned to leave but you caught at his shirt sleeve, trying to stop him from going. "Don't leave yet," you pleaded, then cringed at how childish and pathetic you sounded. "Please stay."

"I can't. I have work to do so you'll have to be alone for a while," L said bluntly.

You pouted. "What, I can't spend time with my boyfriend?"

L sighed, knowing how persistent you could be sometimes. "Fine, I'll stay, but not for long. You know how important my work is."

"Yeah, whatever." You tugged him down onto the bed so he was lying beside you, and snuggled up to his chest. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around you. "You don't look comfortable, L," you pointed out.

"I'm perfectly fine," he replied. "I'm with you, and that's all I need."

That was sweet, despite how casually he said it, and you blushed. "I need you, too," you said. "I love you." You lifted your head so you could press your lips to his, rolling you both over so he lay on top of you. He moved his arms to put his hands on either side of you, pushing up to keep his weight off of you, keeping your lips connected.

He kissed you back, after a while deepening the kiss and grazing his tongue across your bottom lip, and you couldn't help but smile into the kiss. His lips tasted like strawberries and sugar, which was hardly a surprise. You felt him try to part your lips with his own, and clamped your mouth shut just to annoy him. He pulled back, eyes narrowed. "I love you too, (F/N)," he said. "But you're very frustrating sometimes."


A/N: Just a short one this time - some of them will be like this and some will be longer. :)

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