Birthday Gift - Near X Annoying! Reader [Lime]

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Birthday Gift - Near X Annoying! Reader [Contains Lime]

Requested by (@TheRaven101)

It was a rainy, miserable day, and you were trying to think of something exciting to do that might hold your attention for more than a few minutes. Currently, there appeared to be only one thing - or rather, person - that could keep your attention, however unknowingly. That someone happened to be sitting on the floor beside you, solving a Rubik's Cube. He was totally unaware that you had been staring unblinkingly at him for the past few minutes. When your eyes began to sting from keeping them open for too long, you blinked rapidly and looked away from him at the exact moment he looked at you.

"This is boring," you stated, your gaze drifting back to the boy next to you, whose eyes were back on the coloured cube in his hand. When he didn't reply, too fixated on his puzzle, you complained again; "Near, I'm bored."

"Then find something to do," he replied.

You sighed grumpily. "Don't you have any cases you should be working on right now? Can I help out with one?"

Near twisted the cube, and the coloured squares all lined up perfectly, completing the puzzle. He rolled the cube towards you. "You know I can't let you have access to criminal cases, and you can't help me with them. Play with that instead." He gestured to the cube.

You picked it up, staring thoughtfully at it. "I'm no good at these," you said, tossing it away from you. "Besides, it's still too boring."

Near shrugged, getting up from the floor momentarily to retrieve a laptop from the coffee table in the middle of the room. You sighed again; he was going to ignore you and start working on a case.

"Ne-e-ar," you whined, trying to get his attention again, but he didn't respond. He never did when you started pestering him.

You wondered briefly if he knew what day it was tomorrow. Aside from it being a perfectly normal day of a week, and date of a month, it was also a special day for you - your birthday. You and Near had been close for years, and every year without fail he would ask you a few weeks in advance what you wanted for your birthday. But this time, it seemed he had been so fixated on becoming the new L and solving cases that he had completely forgotten about your birthday. You weren't intending to mention it to him, though. If he forgot, then let him - you didn't want to seem like you were desperate for gifts and attention by pestering him about it. In reality, you never desired to get anything for your birthday; you simply wished he would acknowledge it, because it made you happy when he remembered.

You and Near were not just close friends any more, though; technically, the two of you were dating, and had been for nearly two years. However, you weren't sure you could really call it dating, considering you and Near had only ever been out on two or three times that you could potentially call dates. At the beginning of your relationship, you rarely exchanged kisses, or even anything remotely affectionate, because Near was simply not a very affectionate person. Now, he was more willing, but you had still not gone that far with him, and sometimes you wished he would be more receptive even when you merely kissed his cheek or tried to cuddle him. You also wanted him to be the one to initiate some of the affection, rather than it just be you constantly. A few times, you had gone beyond plain kissing with him, but every time it had not gone as far as you would have perhaps wanted, and each time Near had eventually become embarrassed.

Near didn't talk to you much for the remainder of the day, too absorbed in his work to bother with irrelevant conversation. While you were somewhat annoyed, you knew it was just part of his personality, and you were used to him behaving like this. You also knew him well enough to know that he would not agree with your side of the argument enough to change his habits. Besides, you were fairly sure that he tended to ignore you a lot because he found you annoying half the time

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