His Goddess - Light X Reader

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His Goddess - Light X Reader

Light Yagami's girlfriend.

That was who you were. But, even after two months of dating him, it was still hard for you to believe. The school's top student, a genius everyone looked up to, had taken an interest in...you? Constantly you were worried that it would turn out to be a big joke, that someone had dared him to do. Or maybe he'd find some prettier, more attractive girl to date, and he would dump you for her. But so far, nothing like that had happened, and he seemed to genuinely like you. You had tried to relax a bit, hoping that this relationship would turn out well. You really liked Light, and had for a while.

Your phone rang in your pocket as you walked home from hanging out with friends for the day. "Hey, (F/N)," Light's voice said when you answered the call. "Where are you right now? I called your phone earlier but it went to voicemail, and then I called your house but your parents said you weren't in."

"Sorry," you said. "I was out with friends and must not have heard my phone ring. Currently, I'm walking home - I've just passed that restaurant near your house, actually."

"Right, well, can you divert from your route home?" Light asked. "I have something to tell you, so I was wondering if you could come over."

Your mouth went dry. Was he about to break up with you? But why would he make you go to his house for that? "Um, okay," you said. "See you in a bit." You hung up, tucking your phone back into your pocket, and sped up your pace until you reached Light's house.

You lifted your hand and knocked twice on the door. You heard someone - Sayu, from the sound of it - call out "I'll get it!" and a few seconds later the door opened. Sayu grinned at you. " Hi (F/N)!" She turned to yell into the house, "Light, you didn't tell me (F/N) was coming over!"

There were footsteps, and Light poked his head into the hallway from the doorway leading to their living room. You don't need to know everything, Sayu. She's my girlfriend," he said, winking at you. Maybe he wasn't breaking up with you then. Maybe he'd just wanted to see you. He beckoned to you. "Come on, we'll go upstairs to my room."

You stepped into the house, stopping to give Sayu a quick hug before following Light up the stairs. You hadn't been in his bedroom before, and suddenly felt nervous. He nudged the door open with his toe and stood to the side to allow you to go into the room first. You did so, and he followed behind, flicking the light switch on. You sat down on the edge of his bed, looking around the room at all the books on the shelves, and the desk with the computer - and more books - on it. There was a globe in the corner, and it was spinning idly. You frowned - there wasn't anyone else in the room, was there?

Light pulled a wheelie chair towards the bed and sat facing you. "So," he said, locking his gaze with yours. "Um...I guess I should just start by telling you what I wanted to say."

"Are you breaking up with me?" you blurted out.

Light's eyes widened. "No!" He paused, and an almost menacing glint appeared in his eyes. "Well, perhaps. It depends on how well you react to what I'm about to tell you."

You swallowed nervously. "Tell me, then."

Light hesitated. "I felt like it was the right thing to do...to tell you that I'm Kira."

There was a brief moment of silence, and then you narrowed your eyes. "Light, Kira is not something to joke about."

"I'm not joking!" Light protested. "I'll prove it to you." He pulled open one of the drawers in his desk, taking out a black notebook and flipping it open. "Look." He showed you one of the pages. It was filled with the names of the most recent criminals who'd died.

"You're recording the names of the people dying," you said. "So?"

"You don't understand," he said.

"You're right," you replied. "I don't."

He switched on the small television, changing the channel to a news channel. "Watch this," Light said, and scribbled the anchorman's name down in the notebook. "Soon, it will be broad-casted live on TV that that man is dead," he said. You opened your mouth to speak but he put a finger to your lips and made you wait in silence until, almost a minute later, the anchorman gasped suddenly, clutching his chest before face-planting the desk in front of him. There were shouts and cries, and the broadcast was cut off and switched to a different channel.

"So you're predicting who's going to die next?" you said, raising an eyebrow.

"No. I'm killing them. Whenever I write anyone's name in this notebook, they die of a heart attack forty seconds later - unless I specify the time and cause of death."

"That's ridiculous," you said, though you were starting to believe some of what he was saying.

"Touch it," he said, suddenly, offering the notebook to you.


"Just do it. Trust me."

You reached out to touched it, brushing your fingers along the edge of the pages. Looking up, your mouth dropped open in fear at what you saw standing behind Light. Just before you could scream, Light lunged for you, clapping a hand over your mouth and accidentally knocking your chair over which sent both of you tumbling to the floor. Your eyes widened and you struggled to tug Light's hand away from your mouth. "Do you promise you won't scream?" Light asked. "I can explain this."

You nodded slowly, and he removed his hand from your mouth. "This is a Shinigami," he said, gesturing to the strange creature behind him. "His name is Ryuk. You can only see him when you touch this notebook. It was his notebook originally, but he gave it to me, and I've been using it to create a better world to live in. I am Kira. I hope you'll understand all this and support me - I thought I could trust you since you seemed to like me a lot, and I've heard you talk about Kira with your friends. You appeared to mostly support him - that's true, I hope?"

"Yes," you said, a smile spreading across your face. "I do support Kira. it's...wonderful, I guess, to find out he's you." You paused. "I won't tell anyone else about this," you promised. "Not a soul. I will be your loyal follower right until the very end, whenever that may be."

"Thank you," Light said, cupping your cheek with his hand, then running his fingers along your jaw. He leaned in, brushing his mouth against yours. "I will be the god of the new world," he murmured against your lips. "And you, beautiful (F/N), will be my goddess."

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