Fighting For Your Love [Part 3] - Mello X Reader

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Fighting For Your Love [Part 3] - Mello X Reader

"You love me?" you asked breathlessly, forgetting that Matt was there for a moment as you stared in surprise at Mello - the boy you had always thought didn't have have any emotions other than anger and frustration. Yet here he was confessing his feelings for you, in a situation you had never imagined happening.

He nodded. "I didn't want to, at first - I tried to deny how I felt. But eventually I came to realise that you can't just block out feelings of love that you have towards someone. I was going to build up my courage and make a plan; some way to tell you. But he," he spat, sending a glare in Matt's direction, "had to ruin it."

"You have nothing to worry about, Mello," Matt replied bitterly. "It's clear where her affections lie, and they're certainly not with me. Can't you see that?"

"No, wait," you interrupted. "Don't just assume my feelings!"

"So you love him?" Mello growled, and before you could answer, he turned away and stalked out of the room with his fists clenched at his sides.

Your mouth dropped open as the door slammed behind him, and you didn't even notice Matt quietly stepping closer to you, until your bodies were a mere inch apart. It was only when Matt's hand reached to cup your face gently that you realised how close he was, and jerked back in surprise. "What are you doing?"

"I love you, (F/N) would pain me to see you with Mello," Matt answered. He approached you, and although you tried to step back, your back hit the wall behind you. Matt came even closer than he had been before, leaning towards you so that his mouth almost brushed yours. "(F/N) love me, don't you?"

The moment his lips touched yours, you pushed hard against his chest. "No! I'm sorry Matt, but I...I can't return your feelings."

Matt's eyes narrowed ever so slightly. "Do you love Mello, then?"

You paused, and then nodded. "Yes...I believe I am in love with him."

Matt had a pained expression on his face. "I should have known," he said bitterly. "It's always been him, hasn't it, (F/N)? You've loved him for a long time, haven't you?"

You nodded again. "I have. I tried to ignore it, without hope that he would return my feelings. To find out that he's the one thing I would ever wish for, come true."

Matt released you, taking several paces backwards. "Go and tell him, then," he said encouragingly. "But do me a favour, and don't tell him I made a move on you - he'll kill me."

"All right," you agreed reluctantly. You barely stopped yourself from sprinting down the corridor to find Mello. Instead, you walked calmly to his bedroom door and knocked on it. When there was answer from within the room, you pushed the door open and stepped slowly inside.

The lights were off, and when you flicked the switch to turn them off, they revealed Mello standing in the middle of the room with his back to you. "Matt, if that's you, get out," he said.

"It isn't Matt," you replied, as you kicked the door shut. "It's me. (F/N). I need to talk to you, Mello."

"Honestly, I don't feel like talking to you either," he replied coldly. "I want to be alone right now."

"But, Mello, I have something to tell you."

"I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear that you and Matt have decided to be together," he argued. "I don't want to hear that, ever."

"Mello, look at me."


"Mihael," you said softly, moving so that were were stood so close behind him, you could feel the warmth from his body. "Please turn around," you whispered gently."

After a moment, he slowly turned to face you, his icy blue eyes meeting your gaze. He started when he realised you were so close to him. "(F/N), what are you doing?"

You said nothing, and simply curled your hand around the back of his neck, bringing your mouth to his. He gasped very softly, then kissed you back without hesitation and with so much passion that you suddenly found yourself with your back pressed against the wall, Mello's hands pinning you there. Your fingers tangled in his hair and you crushed yourself against him, wanting there to be no space left between you. Mello let you be dominant, which surprised you since he was always so controlling. You felt his hands move as he wrapped one arm around you to keep you close to him. His other hand was at your waist; his fingers brushed your skin there, where your shirt had lifted, with an electric touch that made you gasp into the kiss..

The two of you pulled apart breathing fast, and you lowered your arms. "Well," you said, brushing a strand of hair away from your eyes. "That was...something."

Mello's eyes twinkled. "Something good?"

"Of course," you answered. "But I...where do we go from here?" you asked nervously.

"Well, the bed seems like a good option," Mello said huskily, in a playful tone.

You shoved him playfully. "I didn't mean like that!"

"Well, if you want to know what we'll say to Matt, I can tell you exactly what we'll say," Mello said. "We'll tell him the truth - that you're my girl, and he can never have you."

"Your girl?" You frowned. "You mean like...I'm your girlfriend."

"If you want to be." Mello leaned against the wall, folding his arms. "I won't force you, (F/N)."

"Well there's no need to worry - of course I want to be your girlfriend," you said with a grin. "Do you really think I'd kiss you like that and then say no?"

"I didn't think you would, but I wasn't taking any chances by making assumptions," he replied. "Before now, I didn't think you'd ever like me back at all." He hesitated. "Besides, it's polite to ask, isn't it?"

You giggled. "You, polite? Who is this new Mello that you seem to have become?"

"Don't expect much more of it," he growled, his tone joking, and he suddenly strode towards you, cupping your face with his hands and crushing his lips to yours again.

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