Fighting For Your Love [Part 1] - Jealous! Matt X Reader X Jealous! Mello

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Fighting For Your Love [Part 1] - Jealous!Matt X Reader X Jealous!Mello

(Requested by @flying-icarus )

"What the hell are you guys doing?"

It took all of one, angry sounding sentence to ruin your evening. That line came from Mello, who was standing in front of you with his hands on his hips like some sort of drama queen - which, honestly, he often acted like. His blue eyes weren't focused on you, and nor were they looking directly at Matt, who was sat on the sofa beside you. Instead, he was staring at your fingers, laced with Matt's, your entwined hands resting on Matt's thigh.

Matt looked confused. "I was just watching a horror movie," he said. "(F/N) wanted to watch it with me."

Mello's eyebrows raised. "Oh? Just watching the movie? Or were you doing something else too?"

Matt frowned. "Mello, what are you talking about?" he asked.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," Mello snapped angrily, pointing at your hands. "Most people don't usually hold hands when they're just watching a movie. We certainly don't."

"I got scared and grabbed his hand. He was just comforting me," you interjected, defending Matt. "Mello, if you think this means, I don't know, something else...well, you're wrong." You didn't notice the the hurt look on Matt's face as you said that. "Just stop being so controlling all the time - I can do what I like, and so can Matt."

Mello rolled his eyes. "Well then, I guess neither of you will mind if I hold your hand too, (F/N)?" he replied, gesturing for you to move up the sofa.

"Uh, sure." You shifted closer to Matt, making room for Mello to sit down. He flopped down next to you, grabbing your free hand. You noticed him flash Matt a smug smile, while Matt glared back at him. What the hell has gotten into those two? you though in confusion, but instead of voicing your thoughts you simply said, "You know you've missed like half the movie, Mello."

He shrugged. "I've seen this one before, so I don't care."

"Oh. Okay." You paused as you tried to shift into a more comfortable position. "Ow. I just hit my face on your shoulder, Matt."

"Maybe I should kiss it better," Matt offered.

Mello's grip on your hand tightened. "What?" His voice was cold.

You burst out laughing at his expression. "He's just kidding, Mello!" you giggled, though Matt's face suggested he hadn't been. "He'd never do that sort of thing in front of you," you added teasingly.

Mello glared. "I would," he said, and leaned over to kiss your cheek.

You blushed. "Um, thanks, but that wasn't the side of my face that I hit."

"I'll get it," Matt said, his eyes shooting daggers at Mello as he kissed your other cheek. Mello's grip tightened again, and you began to wonder if you were eventually going to lose the blood supply to your hand.

After about twenty minutes of you trying to watch the movie, while Matt and Mello silently argued by glaring at each other constantly, and occasionally trying to be the one pressed up closest to you, you decided that you'd had enough. Honestly, you'd been trying to ignore them, since that's what you'd been doing for the last few weeks - for a while now, Mello and Matt seemed to be shooting angry glares at each other whenever the other was with you. When you'd tripped and fallen on top of Matt the other day, Mello had practically dragged you off of him, making sure you were were okay and pointedly ignoring Matt. When Mello had offered you some of his precious chocolate, Matt had watched with envy in his eyes - at first you thought it was because he'd wanted Mello to share with him, too, but now you wondered if it was something else.

You stood up suddenly, releasing both of their hands. They'd both been leaning into you so much that they toppled into each other and bumped shoulders when you got up.

You spun around to face them as Mello pushed Matt roughly off of him. "I've had enough of you guys!" you said firmly. "Whatever the hell you've fought over, I don't care, but I don't appreciate you two trying to ruin this nice evening. Admittedly, it wasn't exactly a relaxing movie, but still! You guys don't have to keep glaring at each other and trying to silently win whatever fight you've having - it ruins the immersion and atmosphere, you know. I'm not enjoying this, so I think I'm going to go to bed. You two sort it between yourselves, but don't get me involved."

They both looked at you in surprise, then as you headed for the door, Matt got up and ran over to you. He grabbed your wrist, turning to to face him. "(F/N), I'm sorry, I didn't meant to spoil this for you. We had a good evening planned, I know, and I'm just as disappointed as you are that it got ruined." He sent Mello a pointed glare.

"I don't think I'm the one who ruined it," Mello snapped, getting up and snatching hold of your other arm.

You pulled your arms away from them both. "This is what I'm talking about!" you cried in frustration, starting to walk away from them.

"(F/N), wait," Mello called after you, and you glanced back. "I'm sorry for how Matt's behaving," he said. "It's stupid."

"You're both being stupid," you pointed out. "I don't understand - you've been friends for so long. Why the sudden anger towards each other?"

"It's because of you," Matt answered, taking your hand gently.

"Me? Don't blame me for this-" you began, but were cut off when Mello interrupted.

"I want to confess something to you," he began.

"Well, before you say it, I want to tell (F/N) something too," Matt said, letting go of your hand but keeping his gaze on you. "(F/N), I love you." Mello stiffened beside you as Matt continued, "I just wanted you to know that I've felt this way for a while. I thought you should know."

You felt your eyes widen. "I...really?" He nodded.

"Of course you do," Mello growled angrily at Matt. "Of course you love her, and you've been trying to steal her, haven't you?"

You stared at him. "Steal?"

"He's trying to steal you from me." Mello glared at Matt. "Because...well, (F/N), I love you too."


There will be two more parts to this one shot - one where you end up with Mello, and one where you end up with Matt.

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