Promise - Near X Vampire! Reader

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Promise - Near X Vampire! Reader

Requested by (@Solargaming)

        "Near, are you going to be working late again?" you called into the next room. Your boyfriend - well, actually your fiancé as of last week - had been working very late every night for the past few weeks, often well past midnight and into the early hours of the morning. You had hoped that becoming engaged to him might have found the two of you at least sleeping in the same bed but while you did actually share a bed now, Near was always there hours after you'd fallen asleep, and he woke up much earlier than you did.

        At least, that was what you had said to him when he had asked you why you didn't like him staying up so late - and to some extent , it was true. But in actual fact, there was another reason you wanted Near to go to sleep earlier, and truthfully you weren't that bothered about which bed he chose to sleep in - that just gave you a seemingly valid excuse to complain.

        There was something, though, that you hadn't told him. Something kind of life-changing, and therefore definitely something that you really should tell him. But you hadn't yet worked up the courage to broach the subject, and you had absolutely no idea how he would possibly react to it. Near was not a fan of anything that seemed at all illogical, and that was exactly what you were - illogical. You shouldn't exist according to his beliefs, or according to what your beliefs had been before a very strange event had happened to you. Once, you had shared his thoughts on these kinds of matters, but not any more - not when disbelieving meant not believing in your own existence.

        This had all posed a difficult problem: you had a huge secret now, and it was highly unlikely that Near would listen to you seriously if you ever tried to tell him. But if you didn't, it would be hard to lead your life under the pretense that everything was normal, and as a to-be-married couple, you were supposed to share everything with each other; there shouldn't be any secrets between you, at least not any quite as massive as the one you were currently hiding.

        The issue were a kind of inhuman creature that really ought not to be. You hadn't always been like this, but as of several months ago, it had been who you were - who you lived as every day of your life, and who you always would be. Different stories called you different things, but the most commonly used name for what you were, was 'vampire'.

        There were actually quite a few reasons why this was such a huge problem for you. For a start, well, you weren't even the same species as you once had been, and that took some getting used to. You had to go out at night to find - you hated saying 'food' but what else could you say? - which involved carefully sneaking out of bed once you were certain Near was asleep, and attempting not to wake him as you climbed out of the window. You couldn't simply walk out of the main door because although you had a key, there were security cameras everywhere and Near would inevitably catch you. You also couldn't eat a whole lot of food any more without feeling sick, but that one was fairly easy to deal with since Near had never really noticed when you ate your meals anyway, and had rarely eaten with you. Then, one of the things you most worried about: you had no idea how long you would live for. In many stories told about your kind, they often didn't age, meaning not only would Near eventually notice that you weren't growing any older, but you would also outlive him significantly.

        In addition to all of this, you were also technically Near's enemy - because you were a criminal. Not in the traditional sense perhaps, if there was even one, but you still classed yourself as a criminal. You had to 'feed' in some way or another, and while you had never killed anyone and didn't ever intend to, you did assault people in order to get what you needed.  They never seemed to remember what had happened, even immediately afterwards, and you were always certain to visit people at their homes so they would wake up in a safe place. But if assaulting them like you did wasn't bad enough, that meant you were also breaking in and trespassing on people's property. If Near ever found out what you were doing, he would have you put in prison without hesitation - duty came before personal feelings, after all, not that he would still care for you at that point. And so, you had promised yourself that you would attempt to deal with it all alone, and that you couldn't tell Near - at least not yet.

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