Our Little Secret - Misa X Reader (Female)

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Our Little Secret - Misa X  Reader (Female)

Requested by (@VVictuuri)

You had never considered yourself one for online dating. Nor dating in general, to be completely honest. You hadn't gone out with someone for years; you just didn't find the idea very appealing. Your dates in the past had never gone particularly well, and it was only people who you were friends with and gradually got to know who you had ever eventually been in relationships with. Not that those had actually lasted, because of course you were currently single, and had been for a pretty long time. You had once briefly considered whether you could see a future for yourself with your most recent friend, Light Yagami, but something about that idea was almost less appealing than online dating, and truthfully you weren't sure why. But Light had a girlfriend now anyway, and you were happy for them. Until said girlfriend had taken it upon herself to find you a 'special someone' yourself, via the world of online dating.

"(F/N), try this one on!" Misa squealed excitedly as she flung an item of clothing at you from her wardrobe. Holding it up, you saw that it was a very short, black dress with a relatively low neckline and a low back - you already knew it would show off, well, pretty much everything. Misa clasped her hands together as she watched you eagerly, waiting for you to go and try on the dress.

"Misa..." you began hesitantly. You didn't want to hurt her feelings, but- "I can't wear this on a date!" you cried.

She laughed. "Of course you can! Get him interested in you and show off what you've got."

You frowned. You didn't really want to mention what kind of person you might look like if you wore this.

"Oh, at least just try it on," Misa said, and you sighed, deciding to oblige, even if you were never going to wear it to your date.

When you emerged from the bathroom, Misa squealed again, even higher pitched than last time. "You look amazing!" she informed you, and looking in the mirror, you kind of agreed. The dress fitted you perfectly, and you couldn't help but wonder if you maybe should wear it to the date. Then, shaking the thought away, you argued against the temptation - you didn't want to look like that. You weren't sure it would really impress the guy you were meeting, considering his dating profile had stated that he wasn't totally into overly seductive women, and preferred someone a little calmer.

"I still won't wear it," you said firmly.

"But you look hot, (F/N)!" Misa crossed her arms, eyeing you. "I think he'd like it."

"Well, I don't think he would," you replied.

Misa rolled her eyes. "Fine, but you're being boring," she said, throwing back the more casual dress that she had offered to lend you earlier.

You sighed, handing over the black dress "I do appreciate your help, Misa," you told her, disappearing back into the bathroom to change into the more casual dress. It was longer than the previous one, going just past your knees and didn't have any cut-outs. You liked the dark grey background, with the black-and-white floral print. It was much more suitable for your date, in your opinion...but even so, you kind of missed the black dress already, and had liked how much Misa seemed to have loved it on you.

"I know," you heard her reply through the door. "Our tastes are very different, after all!" she added, and after a pause: "Do you think I should ask Light to go on a date with me? I know we're already together, but he never seems to notice me much any more. Maybe I should wear that dress! That might get his attention - don't you think, (F/N)?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2018 ⏰

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