Fighting For Your Love [Part 2] - Matt X Reader

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Fighting For Your Love - Matt X Reader

You stared at both Mello and Matt for at least a solid minute before finally speaking. "Uh...well, this is a little weird, to say the least."

Mello frowned. "Weird?"

You nodded. "I just's quite a lot to take in, you know. I never expected in a million years that either of you - let alone both of you - would ever like me."

"We don't just like you, (F/N)...we're in love with you," Matt corrected.

"I...Mello, could I talk to Matt for a minute?" you asked, looking at the blonde-haired boy, whose eyes narrowed as you stated your request. "Just for a moment. Please?"

"What's wrong with me being here?" Mello demanded. "Unless you're planning to hook up with Matt while I'm out of the room?"

"Mello, grow up," you shot back. "I just want to talk to him, okay? That doesn't mean I'm not going to talk to you afterwards. Just please...give us a bit of privacy."

Mello rolled his eyes as he stormed out of the room. "Fine, whatever. Just make it quick."

You waited until he had left the room and closed the door behind him before turning to meet Matt's dark blue gaze. He gave you a small, crooked grin as you tried to think of what to say first, and spoke before you could. "I'm sorry if this is a little confusing for you, (F/N)."

You raised an eyebrow. "A little confusing? I never even dreamed that you would ever like me back - let alone both of you liking me."

Matt shrugged. "I'm not gonna lie, I really wish Mello didn't like you - it just makes everything so tense between the two of us whenever we're around you- wait a second..." He paused, staring at you. "Did I hear you say you never dreamed I would like you back?"

You nodded slowly. "I thought for a moment that you weren't going to catch on to that," you laughed softly.

"You mean you like me too?" It was almost comical how wide Matt's eyes seemed to have become in his surprise. "Are you kidding me? I liked you for all this time, constantly fighting with Mello over you...and you liked me back?"

"Um...yeah," you replied. "I was too nervous to admit it to you - and like I said, I didn't think you liked me too. I'm really sorry that I caused arguments between you and Mello; I honestly never wanted to cause fighting between you, and if it would be better if I wasn't here..." you trailed off.

Matt grabbed your shoulders, bringing you closed to him suddenly and leaning in so quickly that you barely had time to consider what was happening before his lips gently brushed yours. He pulled away after a mere second, cupping one side of your face with his hand as he spoke. "(F/N), it would never be better here without you. I need you here, don't you understand? Ever since we were children, growing up together in that dreams have always been of you. I feel embarrassed saying this, but I just need you to know, okay? Mello acting like a spoiled brat isn't going to change how much I love you being here with us - or how much I want you to be with me."

"I want to be with you, Matt," you breathed. "I care about you and I just...I never intended to upset anyone, that's all. I don't want to hurt Mello."

"Mello will understand," Matt insisted, and even though you weren't entirely sure that was true, you gave in and brought your mouth to his again.

At that exact moment, the door burst open and Mello stormed into the room, complaining about why you and Matt were taking so long. As soon as he saw the two of you locked in each other's embrace, your lips still touching as both of you simultaneously froze, he stopped abruptly. You slowly pulled apart from Matt, turning to face Mello. "Mello, I'm so sorry, I swear- " you began.

"I don't want to hear it," he said coldly, cutting you off. "I suspected as soon as you asked me to leave the room. I should always have known, really, that it wasn't me you liked."


"It's fine," he said. "I don't need your love in my life, (F/N)," he added, before turning and stalking outside.

You glanced fearfully at Matt. "What have I done?" you groaned. "He's going to hate me now."

Matt shook his head, grabbing your hand. "It's not your fault," he assured you. "He'll calm down eventually, you'll see. You can be with me, (F/N), it doesn't matter what he thinks. Not when we have these feelings for each other." He took your other hand. "You shouldn't let him control you like he does. He practically dictates what you do every day, and it isn't fair. Be your own person, (F/N). You're free to love whoever you wish, and Mello being angry shouldn't make you change your mind about your feelings. You aren't here just to do what he says."

You nodded. "I know, but...I hate seeing him angry at me. I know I shouldn't really let him get in the way of us, but what if tries to stop us being together?"

Matt kissed your cheek softly. "He won't be angry at us forever, (F/N). He'll cool off eventually and..." he paused, bringing you close to him and wrapping his arms around you. "Even if he doesn''ll still have me. You'll always have me."


Sorry this took so long to post. This was the Matt version of the end of this one-shot; apologies if it was short.

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