Paper-Cut - Jealous! L X Reader

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Paper-Cut - Jealous! L X Reader

(Requested by @anw18000)

L had never had a feeling quite like the one he always experienced whenever you were around him. He couldn't explain it, nor could he understand what it really was. But somehow, he knew that it was linked to the feeling he got whenever he saw you with Matsuda, the feeling that made him want to drag Matsuda away from you and wrap his arms around you to prevent anyone trying to take you from him.

It didn't help that Misa had loudly proclaimed only yesterday that she thought you and Matsuda would make a cute couple. It had been after you had almost fallen over, and Matsuda - surprisingly, since he was normally the clumsy one - had actually managed to catch you before you fell. In return you had kissed his cheek, and Misa had decided he liked you when he had gone bright red.

L soon realised that this feeling he got was most likely jealousy. He was jealous of you hanging around with Matsuda, since he agreed with Misa that Matsuda liked you. L didn't want your feeling focused on anyone else - he wanted you to like him.

So when, the following day, you managed to give yourself a paper-cut and Matsuda offered to help you, L realised this was his chance.

"H-Here, uh, (F/N)...let me help," Matsuda stammered nervously as he approached you. You held out your hand, and he took it, wiping away a bead of blood where you cut was.

"It's not too bad, I think," you said. "It just...stings a lot."

"Maybe you need a plaster. I can get one for you, if you want," Matsuda offered.

You smiled up at him, and he blushed. "Thanks, Matsuda."

Matsuda nodded and turned to head for the bathroom, where the plasters probably were - only to walk into L, who was standing behind him, holding a plaster already. The detective pushed past Matsuda, coming to crouch beside you where you, for some reason, were sitting on the floor with paper everywhere. "I'll help her," he snapped.

Matsuda stared at him. "Ryuzaki-"

"Mr Matsuda, please return to work."

Your eyes wide, you watched as Matsuda frowned for a moment at L, before backing off. L took your hand gently, and you felt electric sparks shoot up your arm from where his fingers touched yours. Holding your breath, you watched as L placed the plaster carefully over your cut, wrapping it around your finger before releasing your hand. "There. That's better."

"Thank you, Ryuzaki," you said and kissed his cheek. "You didn't have to scare Matsuda, though. Why'd you do that?"

L's fingertips brushed the placed where you'd kissed him softly, and he looked at you with wide, dark eyes. "My apologies," he replied. "But I didn't want to see Mr Matsuda touching you."

You frowned, before a smile appeared on your face. "Ryuzaki, were you jealous?" you asked in surprise.

"Perhaps I was," he murmured. "It appears that I may have some feelings towards you, (F/N), and I have not been entirely sure what to do about them. Recently I have heard rumours of you and Matsuda...I did what I felt necessary. I didn't want you to like him over me." He hesitated. "That paper cut you got - it seemed small, but was more painful than it looked, right?" When you nodded, he continued, "If you chose someone else over me, my heart would be wounded in a similar way - on the outside, it would seem like just a small paper-cut, but really, it would be as painful as if someone had cut my heart in half." It seemed complicated when he said it aloud, and the detective hoped you would understand what he was trying to say.

You stared at him for a moment, then laughed lightly and he felt a blush rise to his cheeks. "You have nothing to worry about, Ryuzaki! I like you a lot, and more than I feel for Matsuda. As for whatever you heard...I'm sure it was just nonsense from Misa."

"Are you saying there is a chance you might return my feelings?" L asked. "What sort of a range are we talking about? A 60% chance, perhaps? Or maybe 85%? More? Less?"

You giggled. "Ryuzaki, it isn't a chance of me liking you. I know, 100%, that I like you - maybe even love you!" You glanced away. "I've been hiding my feelings for a while, worrying that you would never return them. I feared that you weren't interested in that sort of thing, so I kept it to myself. I never even told anyone else, in case they mentioned it to you. I was afraid of what you might think of me."

L's eyes closed briefly. "My only thought was that you were amazing," he replied. "You are rather unlike any other woman I have met in my life, not that there has been many. I have never felt like this about anyone before you, (F/N). You are quite something."

You blushed, and L began to lean towards you slowly. He wasn't sure how to kiss a girl, but he was hoping that at least some part of it might be instinct, and he would somehow know what to do. Unfortunately, his lips didn't meet yours - because at that moment, Light came over to see what you two were up to and why it was taking so long to give you a plaster and get you off the floor.

"Hey, are you guys all right?" Your eyes, which had been closing, opened wide again. You looked up at Light, a little annoyed with him for ruining the moment, and a little embarrassed because you had completely forgotten about everyone else being in the room.

Light reached out to take your hand and inspect your finger. "Is your finger okay?" he asked.

L made a noise that sounded almost like a low, quiet growl, and grabbed your hand to snatch it away from Light. "I can look after (F/N) just fine, thank you, Light," he said.

Light looked a little surprised and L's sudden coldness towards him, but if he thought it was strange, he didn't say so. Instead he simply frowned and commented, "You guys seem pretty close now, huh? I had a feeling you liked her, Ryuzaki. I must admit though, I never really thought you'd tell her."

"I'm not afraid of admitting the truth," L replied pointedly, with a meaningful look at the other boy. Light's brown eyes narrowed, and he turned and walked away.

"Was that a hint, Ryuzaki?" you asked with a smile. "You still suspect him, don't you? Of being Kira, that is."

"I have to. I can't let all my suspicions slip away now that Light's working on the case with us. I have my theories, and until they're proved wrong or I find something that seems to be a better explanation, I will stick with what I currently believe. And for now, that means my main suspect is still Light Yagami, though he may not like it."

"So you wanted to gauge his reaction to what you said?"

"Exactly." L met your gaze. "In truth, I am not the bravest, and some things scare me. That included admitting my feelings to you, but I feel better for having told you."

"So..." you paused. "Are we, I don't know...a thing, now? Like, a couple? Together?"

"If you'd like that, then of course," he answered.

"I'd like that more than anything," you admitted with a blush. "I mean, I love you. How could I say no?"

Now it was L's turn to blush. "In that case, I suppose this calls for me to say I also love you. And if a relationship is what you desire, then that it was you will get."

You nodded. "It's weird, you know. To think about us being together. You never struck me as the type for being in, well, any romantic relationship...and I didn't think I'd even want to be in one after my last boyfriend. He was awful."

"You have experience, however. I have never been in a relationship before, and I'm not even used to normal social conventions," he reminded you. "You'll have to teach me, I suppose."

"Well, I can show you what people normally do in relationships,' you said.

"I believe I know one thing. People kiss, don't they?" L said. "I have observed the world around me, and I have seen enough couples to understand at least that much."

"Yes," you said.

"Let's start with that, then," he said, and before you could answer he had pressed his lips to yours.  

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