Unfortunately - L X Reader

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Unfortunately - L X Reader

(Requested by @Marvellous_Natalie)

        "(F/N), do you think you could pass me another slice of cake?" L asked, his eyes wide and pleading as he looked at you.

        You rolled your eyes as you pushed the tray of cake over to him. "Here, just take the whole thing. It's not like you won't eat it all anyway."

        "There's no need to be rude about it," the detective commented. "Manners and politeness are always appreciated by anyone."

        You snorted. "I doubt Kira values manners. You think he'll spare someone if they say 'please'?"

        "This is exactly what I'm talking about," L replied, through a mouthful of cake. "You're ever so sarcastic, (F/N). It gets rather tedious, having to try to figure out when you are, and are not, using sarcasm. It's like a whole other case that I have to work on."

        "Now look who's being rude, suggesting I'm tedious, like a case."

        L gave you a blank stare; one that told you that you weren't going to win this argument. Whatever you said to him, he would find something else to say to dismiss your comments. You fell silent, and he nodded slightly, turning back to his computer screen while he absentmindedly shoved cake into his mouth. You found yourself watching him intently, and you only realised when he turned again to look at you, meeting your gaze. "Did you want some?" he asked, holding up a fork with a chunk of cake on it. "Is that why you're staring at me?"

        You blinked, startled, and turned away from him quickly. "No thanks. I was just...thinking."

        You had been somewhat bothered by your steadily growing feelings for the dark-eyed detective over the last few months. You had tried never to give any sort of clue to L that you liked him, and no one else seemed to have guessed either, but recently you had caught yourself staring at him more and more, and it annoyed you that you were letting yourself become like this. You didn't want to end up being one of those soppy, doe-eyed girls that fawned all over the people they liked. You were sick of watching Misa be like that with Light - the thought of being like that yourself wasn't something you wanted to consider. And with L? Once, you had despised him with as much hate as you could muster. How could you be attracted to him now, even if the two of you had eventually put your differences behind you a long while ago?

        But some things were just meant to be, you supposed. If you had to be attracted to someone, you were thankful that at least they were a weird detective, and not a cold-blooded murderer like you suspected Misa's boyfriend, Light, was. But you wouldn't ever act upon your feelings, no matter who they were directed to - you were just too shy when it came to things like that, and besides, L didn't really seem like the sort of person to have feelings for others. He had never shown any sort of care towards you. Your feelings might be meant to be, but you and L together clearly wasn't - aside from him not being interested, something about the idea of it just didn't seem quite right to you.

        Except, perhaps you had been wrong about L not returning your feelings, because in the next second, you felt someone's lips press gently to yours. You jerked backwards in surprise, and stared with wide eyes at the detective, who was watching you curiously. "L? What was that for?" you demanded, feeling your face go red.

        "You were still staring at me, and you have been at odd occasions quite a lot lately," he commented. "I deduced the reason, and thought I should do something about it."

        Your cheeks were burning. "You...what?"

        "You like me. I like you. It isn't hard to understand, (F/N)."

        "Isn't it?" You were startled at this admission from him. But you were happy - delighted, even, that of all people, could like you.

        He rolled his eyes, and leaned towards you again, and you leaned in too, your mouths colliding. His cool hands caressed your face, and you kissed him eagerly in your sudden passion - and stopped. Something was wrong; as in, there was something about the kiss that made it feel so wrong for it to be happening. You kissed him again, hoping for a spark, or anything that would confirm to you that your brief doubt had been unnecessary. But there was nothing, nothing at all, aside from that very wrong feeling.

        The door to the room opened suddenly, and you and L broke apart in time to see Watari drop the plate he was holding. He frowned slightly, but made no comment on the kiss he had just walked in on, instead turning to L and saying, "Ryuzaki...I think I need to speak with you a moment."


(Third Person POV)

        Once outside the room, Watari guided L down the corridor to the far end, where he stopped and gently placed his hands on L's shoulders, turning the detective to face him. "Ryuzaki...that wasn't what I think it might have been, was it?"

        L's eyes met his mentor's. "Perhaps it was," he replied. "I have believed for a long time now, Watari, that I may have found someone I feel strangely about. My feelings for (F/N) are apparently not to be deterred - they are strong, and I have begun to see that they may just be what you once tried to teach me about. Indeed, I could imagine a life spent with her by my side for a long time into the future."

        "Are you trying to say that you think you love her, Ryuzaki?" Watari's brows furrowed.

        L didn't reply, but to Watari, his eyes gave everything away. He had always known how to read the detective's emotions when he failed to hide them. He sighed softly, and spoke again; "I wasn't sure if I should ever tell you this. But hear me when I say that you cannot allow yourself to fall for her. Anyone else, and I will support you. But I can't stand by and watch you entangle your heart with (F/N)'s."

        For once, L was almost speechless. "You mean to say that you don't think it will end well? Is that what you are warning me against? Does she have a past of breaking hearts, perhaps?"

        Watari shook his head. "No, not quite. There is no easy way to say this, but...it would be wrong to be with her, Ryuzaki."

        "I saw it on her face when I kissed her," L mused thoughtfully. "A sense of something being 'wrong'."

        "Whatever you saw, it was a feeling - a hunch of hers, perhaps. She doesn't know what I'm about to tell you," Watari interrupted.

        "Which is?"

        "Well...(F/N) was actually thought to be dead for a long time, and it was only recently that I found out who she really was. You have family, Ryuzaki - blood-related family that you lost and we never thought would be found again. But I found someone - her. You see...(F/N) is your sister."

        There were no words that could truly describe how L was feeling as he heard what Watari told him, and processed it, and what it meant.  He never showed any sign of extreme distress, but then, it was rare that L showed any signs of emotions at all, let alone extreme ones. But Watari, his mentor and the father figure of his life, knew how shocking this revelation must be - how exciting and yet disappointing at the same time. L hadn't ever shown a great interest in family, having grown up with no blood-related relatives at all. He didn't much care for family love, and although he respected and admired Watari, he probably didn't see him in as much of a 'father' light as Watari saw him as a kind of son. To a person like L, discovering that someone was related to him after all didn't really hold that much interest any more; however, to find out that the girl he had fallen for was his sister? He could never be content with that.

        "You should have told me sooner," was all he could manage to say to Watari. "I would not have allowed myself to like her in this way, if I had known."

        "I am sorry," Watari replied. "But you know now that you cannot pursue a romantic relationship with (F/N)."

        "Indeed." L hesitated. "I will have to tell her. But she feels the same for me as I do for her, and this news will undoubtedly hurt her heart, as it has hurt mine."

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