On The Other Side - Mello X Reader

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On The Other Side - Mello X Reader

(Requested by @TheRaven101 )

A/N: Everyone in this one-shot is made up apart from you and Mello.


"Okay, so here's the plan. Ryenn's group will attack from this side, blocking off this exit. My group will attack from the front here, but only once Ryenn's group have attacked first. When you hear me yell for you, Kazuo, your group will join the attack and Isamu's group will raid the hideout. Aiya will split from Isamu's group and join the raid later on, when we're closer to victory. Does that sound good?"

Everyone nodded, and you scuffed out the drawing in the soil of the rival gang's hideout with your foot. If they happened to pass by, you didn't want them seeing that you had been planning an attack and raid.

You were the leader of a bunch of people about your age, a group that often got referred to as a gang. You lived on the streets, but you were happy. You had good friends, and you lived well enough. You had shelter, and you found food. But there was one problem - Mello.

Mello led a gang similar to yours, and the two of you had become natural rivals. You fought over everything - food, territory, and anything you could think of to fight about. You didn't know where Mello had come from, and how he had formed his gang, but you had been here first and you were determined to teach Mello a lesson once and for all. He kept sending people to sneakily steal things from the place where you and your friends lived, and you were sick of it. It was time to strike back properly.

So you had formed this plan of attack. You had sent Kazuo and Aiya to track down where Mello's gang lived, and they had found their hideout. You had come up with a plan based on what they'd told you about the layout of the place, and you had split your gang into four groups of three people, choosing one group to be the raiders while the rest of you distracted Mello's gang with an attack. Despite the fact that you would be slightly outnumbered - how Mello had managed to gather so many people to follow him, you had no idea - you were sure that this plan would work. After all, you were well organised and all of your gang members knew how to fight. Nothing should go wrong if all went well, and you were certain that it would go smoothly.


You spun around to see Kazuo standing behind you. "Oh! Hi, Kazuo." You smiled politely at him. You knew that Kazuo liked you - as more than just a friend and leader - and you had been internally debating for weeks whether you should just go ahead and give him a chance. You liked him well enough, but you just weren't sure if your feelings for him were strong enough to pursue a relationship with him - and besides, you didn't want to let yourself become distracted from looking after your friends. You were their leader, and you felt that you had a responsibility to look after them.

"I just wanted to wish you luck," Kazuo said.

"Thanks," you said, with a small smile. "I think we'll win this. We're better fighters than they are."

Kazuo frowned, and then nodded determinedly. "Of course we will," he said. "Mello needs to know that he doesn't own this whole town." He paused. "I wish I was in your group, (F/N)."

"What, you think I need keeping an eye on?" you asked teasingly. "I'd work well with you by my side, Kazuo, but I also know that you're a better leader than most of the others. You'll be fine - just follow the plan."


You crept stealthily around the corner of the building, your arm just brushing the brick wall as you tried to stay in the shadows to keep out of sight of the boy heading your way. The other three members of your group were in single file behind you, and they followed you without question. You turned around the face them. Looking past them, you could just about see Kazuo peering at you from an alcove in the wall, following behind you at a safe distance and ready to attack with your signal. You were nearly at Mello's hideout, and Ryenn's group should be attacking in just a few moments. Isamu's group would be behind them, waiting until everyone was engaged in 'battle' before sneaking into the hideout. Mello wasn't stupid, and he would have placed guards to watch for raiding parties, but you were confident that Isamu could get past them.

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