Puzzle - Child! Near X Child! Reader

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Puzzle - Child! Near X Child! Reader

(Requested by @Mako_Shar_K )

You were sat on the floor of the main room in Wammy's House, your eyes glued to the screen of the laptop on the table in front of you as the white screen with the black 'L' on it flickered and went black. You blinked as Watari stepped forwards from where he'd been standing by the wall and closed the laptop, picking it up and tucking it under his arm. "Come on then," he said softly, making a shooing motion towards you and the rest of the children seated on the floor. "It'll be dinner soon."

The children began getting up, and you followed them out of the door into the hallway. Watari waited for everyone to leave the room before closing the door to the room behind him. The rest of the children began to disperse, going off together in little groups, but you didn't go with any of them. Instead you followed Watari as he began to head for his office. "Watari, wait!" you squeaked, running after him.

He turned, a warm smile on his face as he looked down at you. "Yes, (F/N)?"

You glanced at the laptop he was carrying. "When will L talk to us again?"

Watari frowned. "He spoke to all of you just now, so I can't guarantee next time being soon, I'm afraid. He is a busy person."

You sighed. "I know, but...will we ever get to talk to him? Do you think he'll ever let us hear his voice or...or maybe even visit us?" You eyes sparked with hope as you gazed as Watari. "Oh, please, Watari, will you ask him to come to the orphanage?" you cried.

He closed his eyes for a moment. "L cannot come here, (F/N), you know that. He cannot reveal his identity, not even his voice. You understand why, don't you?"

Crestfallen, you nodded slowly. "Yes, Watari, I know. I'm sorry. I just...I hoped we would all get to meet him one day."

Watari smiled gently. "Perhaps one day, you will get to meet him," he said, but you were smart enough to know that he only said it to comfort you, and not because it was ever likely to happen.

You traipsed sadly into the main living room of the orphanage. Most of the other children had gone outside onto the lawn to play, but a pale, white-haired boy about your age was sitting on the floor in the corner of the room, playing with something in his hand. When you looked closer, you saw it was a small Rubik's cube.

You frowned, wondering why the boy was sitting indoors instead of outside in the nice warm weather like the other children were. Your brows furrowed even more as you tried to remember the boy's name...something beginning with N, maybe? You remember being introduced to him when you first arrived at the orphanage. You had been introduced to all of the children currently at the orphanage - not that they, or you, really cared - and you could recall the white-haired boy standing next to a taller, blonde-haired boy with blue eyes who's name had begun with M. Mello, you thought it had been, and you remembered the tension you had felt between the two boys.

A cough interrupted your thoughts, and you blinked, seeing the white-haired boy still crouched in the corner, looking up at you in confusion as he seemingly tried to gauge your expression. "Are you upset?" his soft voice asked you suddenly.

You shook your head in surprise. "No, not upset. Just...thoughtful."

"Oh." The boy looked away, returning his gaze to the colourful cube in his hands as he twisted it in an attempt to solve it.

You took a step further into the room, and then strode hurriedly over to the shelves of games and puzzles in the other corner of the room. You scanned the shelves, looking for something to amuse yourself with until dinner. Your (e/c) eyes landed on a box containing a five-hundred piece puzzle, and you picked it up, tucking it underneath your am=rm as you turned to head outside. Pausing, you glanced at the white-haired boy, wondering if you should ask him if he wanted to join you...but he was engrossed in solving the Rubik's cube in his hands, and you had never seen him hang out with anyone before - he always sat by himself, whether it was during classes, at dinner, or when L talked to the children. So you decided to leave him alone and go outside alone.

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