Your Light - Light X Scared! Reader

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Your Light - Light X Scared! Reader

You were tossing and turning in your bed at Light's new apartment, trying to get to sleep in the dark bedroom. To your extreme relief, he had finally admitted to Misa that he didn't love her - but, being who she was, she was still convinced that one day he would love her if she kept following him and doing everything he wanted. Obviously that wasn't going to happen, since Light loved you and had insisted that he always would. As much as you had doubted that he really meant it at first, you had come to realise that he truly seemed to like you and wanted you around. He had told you he would be there for you, always keeping you safe from the world. He had promised you that.

But all the love and safety he could offer you paled to insignificance when you were faced with your worst fear, the very source of your nightmares. The dark. The enveloping, suffocating blackness you hated and felt so scared of. You were a sufferer of nyctophobia, an extreme fear of the dark. Your brain would think up all sorts of horrific situations that could be happening while you could see nothing around you, and it sent your fear responses haywire. You had always slept with a bright light near your bed when you were younger, keeping your room light. But there was no light now.

You had left the door open when you went to sleep that night, as you always did, since the hallway light was just enough to keep your fears at bay. But this time you'd woken up in the middle of the night, and the hallway light had turned off. Light had probably turned it off without realising how afraid it would make you if you woke up. And you were afraid.

Your mind whirled with thoughts of monsters, burglars, murderers, anything that could be lurking in the dark without your knowledge. You thought of people with huge knives coming to cut your throat or stab you, monsters with multiple eyes or many teeth ready to devour your very soul, thieves who would steal everything you owned and disappear into the night without you even seeing them there. The darkness weighed down on you, and it seemed to fold you into its black depths, dragging you into a pit of fright and blindness. You were half asleep, and your mind was thinking up nightmares to send you to sleep with, anything bound to scare you. you imagined the darkness choking you until you couldn't breathe, swallowing you out of the world.

You screamed, thrashing in your bed and throwing the covers off of you. You lunged for the wall, scrabbling for the light switch, crying out again and feeling tears wells in your eyes when you could find the switch. You fell to your knees, burying your face in your hands and covering your ears as if ghosts were screaming at you and you wanted to block them out.

The light came on very suddenly, and you blinked against the brightness. It was a welcome contrast to the darkness, but you were still in fear and shock, and crouched on the floor shivering.

Arms wrapped around you, holding you against a sturdy, toned chest. You could feel the warmth of his skin through your pyjamas, and felt his breath by your ear as he whispered, "(F/N)? It's okay, it's okay. It's me. I'm here. It's Light, your Light."

He sounded so gentle and caring compared to the vengeful Kira he used as his anonymous identity while he killed criminals. And you also realised something - he was your Light, just as he'd said. He was your Light when there was dark, the one who had come to find you and save you when you had cried out in fear of the blackness. He was the light of your world, and you loved him for it. You reached, wrapping your arms firmly around him and hugging him tight. If he found it uncomfortable, he didn't say so, and simply ran his fingers down your back in a comforting gesture.

"(F/N?) he murmured finally. "What happened?"

"I was scared," you replied, worrying that you sounded childish. "I'm sorry if I woke you up. I just don't like the dark."

"It sounded like you have more than a simple dislike for it," he said.

"It's been a fear of mine ever since I was a child," you admitted. "Sorry."

"Why are you apologising? It's not your fault." He stiffened. "You're imagining things, aren't you? You're brain is conjuring up ideas of what could be waiting in the dark."

"Monsters," you said. "Murderers. Criminals. Anything."

"But I'm here," he answered firmly. "When Kira had passed judgement over all those who deserve it, there will be no more monsters, no more criminals, to frighten you. You won't have to imagine them lurking in the dark because there won't be any to be there. I will make sure of that, (F/N). You are mine, and I have to make sure you are safe. You hear me? There won't be any monsters. No criminals. You won't have to be scared."

"Thank you," you said softly. "I love you, Light Yagami, and this is one of the reasons why."

"And I love you too. Your fear only makes me more determined to protect you, and I will, I swear it." He began to stand up, offering you his hand. "Do you want to come and sleep with me tonight?" You frowned, and he corrected himself. "I mean sleep with me, (F/N), not the...other way. Come on, it'll be all right."

You stood up, taking his hand and letting him lead you to his room. You paused outside, staring into the pitch black room through the open door. "Will it be dark?" you asked worriedly.

"I have a lamp," he said. "I'll put it on for you." He went to sit on the bed, and you slowly followed him. "Besides, you'll be in my arms. Nothing and no one can get to you there. You'll be safe. You'll be with me."

You nodded, and as you stepped towards the bed he lay down, patting the space beside him where he had moved up to make room for you. You lay down next to him, and he switched on the light he had mentioned, letting the warm glow fill the room. He wrapped his arms around you. "See? Safe."

"Safe," you agreed, snuggling into his chest. "Thank you, Light."

"No problem," he murmured. "I'm your Light, remember?

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