I Hate You Too [Part 2] - Near X Reader

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I Hate You Too [Part 2] - Near X Reader

'N', or Near, had kept you in a cell for a whole month before you were finally released. But he wasn't finished - apparently, you were still suspected of being Kira, even if the suspicion was not as great as before. He was keeping you close to him at all times - and by close, that meant you were handcuffed to some piece of furniture in whatever room he happened to be working in. He didn't sleep a great deal, thankfully, so you weren't forced to sit chained to his bed during the night, which would have been plain weird. But it still meant you had hardly any freedom, and you despised it. You despised him, too. After all, he was the one who had arrested you and he was the one who had ordered for you to be kept in the place where he worked all the time.

However, during your stay, you had learned a few interesting things about him, some of which made rather good material for taunting him with.

"Hey, albino!" You yelled across the room at him. You had called him that constantly after realising he wasn't going to do anything about it, and you knew it annoyed the hell out of him - which was why you did it. "How come you're still working on this case? I thought you were adamant that I was Kira?"

"I never said that," he replied in a bored tone. "I simply had a very high suspicion that it was you. But I have to keep looking, in case you aren't Kira."

"So, in case you're wrong?"

He didn't answer.

"Come on, are you saying you might just be wrong about something? I thought you were a know-it-all?" you teased.

He still didn't answer you.

"I bet Mello would have finished the case by now if he was in your position."

Near visibly stiffened, and you barely held back a laugh. You knew that any mention of Mello, especially a suggestion that Mello was cleverer than him, really bugged him. "You know," you continued. "From the pictures I've seen, Mello's pretty dreamy, don't you think?" You faked a sigh of contentment. "I wish I was with him instead of stuck here with you, you know?"

That was a complete lie - you actually didn't think much of Mello at all, from what you'd seen and heard about him.

"I am looking for more evidence that might point towards you being Kira," he said. "I don't have enough to officially accuse you yet."

"You never will," you answered. "Because I'm not the murderer. I don't even support him."

"My suspicion of you being Kira has actually decreased a little since I detained you. However, I firmly believe that you are still responsible for the murders and will strive to find something which proves that. You won't get away with your crimes."

"Your logic is stupid," you snapped. "I hate Kira, and I have done ever since I found out about him!"

"You are the hated one," Near commented. "Because you are Kira, and I've said that before. Who in their right mind wouldn't hate you? Your supporters are clearly crazy. I hate you, because it is my duty to despise criminals like you."

For some reason that struck you deeply, and you glared at the back of his head in disappointment. Did he really, truly, still believe you were a murderer? Did he honestly hate you that much? "I hate you too," you muttered.

You stepped forwards slowly, continuing until your handcuff chain snapped straight and restrained you from moving any further. It was a surprisingly long chain, and allowed you to move as far as standing behind where Near crouched on the floor with his back to you. You knelt down behind him, coughing to get his attention. What you were about to do would only make him believe even more that you were Kira - but he believed that firmly enough already, and he was infuriating you. You'd had enough, and you couldn't contain your anger any more. "Near?"

He turned around, and just as his eyes met your furious gaze, you struck.

Near sprawled on the ground, his face reddening where you had punched his jaw. You let out a yelp of pain, cradling your sore hand, and Near got up to stare at you. Suddenly, he leapt, and you realised in shock that he was fighting back.

He pinned you to the floor by your wrists, his body on top of yours and his face too close to yours for comfort. You wriggled, but he was strong for a boy his age. He grinned, a rare sight, and lowered his face until his mouth almost touched yours. For some reason, you didn't move, and simply stared wide-eyed at him.

"Don't underestimate me, (F/N)," he said quietly. "You know full well that this only proves to me of your guilt even more. You are angry at being caught, understandably. But I can have you locked up again if you cannot control your temper." He pushed away from you, returning to his original crouched position of the floor. "Of course, once I prove who you are, you'll be locked up forever, so take the freedom you have while it lasts."

"Freedom." You snorted. "This is hardly freedom."

"It's all you're getting," he said. "But you will never truly be free again, Kira."


Over time, your feelings about the white-haired detective boy began to change. You still hated him, but your emotions were conflicting, as if you liked him at the same time. There was something strange about him, something that made you want to like him, but you couldn't just yet. Not until he had proved something other than you being Kira.

You wanted him to prove that he wasn't as much of a jerk as he had seemed to portray himself to be so far.

You weren't sure what the chances were of that happening, and you decided to ask him about it and set him a challenge based on this task. Whether or not he would accept the challenge was another matter entirely, but there was only one way to find out.

"Near," you began, sitting on your usual chair with the chain around your wrist. It had been shortened so that you couldn't even get half as far as you'd been able to before, and you knew that was because you punched him.

"What?" he replied - you were surprised, actually, that he'd answered you.

"What would you do if someone challenged you?"

"Challenged me to do what?" His voice held no interest, but you suspected he was faking the nonchalance.

"If you were, say, challenged to prove something about yourself."

"I'm good at solving and proving," he said. "I'd be able to do it, easy."

"You're not doing a very good job of proving I'm Kira and getting me convicted. I'm still here, not in prison," you pointed.

He ignored that remark. "What is the nature of this suggested challenge? I suppose you're implying that you had a challenge you want to set me?"

"I want you to prove to me that you're not an arrogant jerk like you've shown yourself to be so far," you announced.

"I have no obligation to accept such challenges, especially when they're from a murderer," he replied coldly.

"Is this your way of making an excuse for the fact that you can't prove it, that you can't do the challenge?" you asked mockingly, determined not to let his referring to you as a murderer get to you.

He didn't answer you, and you knew then that you had won. He had taken the bait, and he had accepted your challenge.


There will be a Part 3 to this one-shot.

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