Don't Leave - Jealous! Near X Reader

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Don't Leave - Jealous! Near X Reader

Requested by (@tamaranean_princess)

This one-shot is a little AU, just in the fact that in this, Mello and Matt are alive after the Kira case is over.

Kira. The name had once struck fear through your mind, alongside the same thrill you always felt when working on a difficult case. This case had been one like no other you had ever encountered before, and there had been points where you had almost believed Kira would win. But you and Near together had taken over in L's role after his sudden death, and you had brought Kira to justice. To you, it was your biggest achievement, despite that you sorely missed the the detective you had always idolised, even though you had never met him.

After the case, Near hadn't seemed as happy as you had been to finish it and see Kira stopped. Something hadn't been quite right with him, and although you knew that, you didn't really want to ask him what was wrong. He wasn't one to chat about emotions, and sometimes you wondered if he even had any at all. The two of you were good friends, sure, but he never really showed any sort of affection towards you that would make you believe you were close to him. You didn't even know if he understood the true concept of friendship. And this was why you turned instead to someone else for the signs of friendship that you felt you were missing from your life. A certain blonde-haired boy whom you had known from the orphanage where you had grown up with Near and the other who lived there: Mello.

You hadn't always been friendly with Mello. You had known his best friend Matt for longer - at least, you had talked to him since way before you had ever started speaking to Mello. In truth, you had been somewhat scared of Mello for a long time, probably because you were nervous when it came to making new friends, and Mello was rather intimidating. But after becoming proper friends with Matt and spending as much time with him as you did with Near, Matt had decided that it was time for you to introduce yourself to Mello. Surprisingly, Mello had quickly accepted you into his friendship group (which, honestly, had only really consisted of him and Matt) and for a while, you spent more time with them than you did with Near - mostly because he didn't really seem to value you as a friend, much like what was happening now. Looking back on those times, you often felt bad and hoped that Near hadn't minded too much that you hung out with Matt and Mello more - he certainly hadn't seemed to have minded, but you couldn't be certain. Now, however, when once again you felt like he was subtly and slightly excluding you from his life, you turned once more to those other friends from Wammy's House.

You had recently bought your first phone, and you were sitting beside Near while he worked, the phone held to your ear as you waited for someone to pick up at the other end - you hoped that it would be Mello. When a blunt 'What?" could be heard, you grinned and responded, "That you, Mihael?" You saw Near glance at you in surprise as you said that, and wondered briefly if he would tell you off for contacting someone who hated him - but he simply turned back to his work.

There was silence for a moment on the phone, and then, "Who is this? You have ten seconds to explain yourself." You realised that he was talking about his real name, and how you knew it.

"Woah, woah, Mello, wait," you answered. "It's just me, (F/N). Don't get so uptight."

"(F/N)?" Mello paused, then continued, "I didn't expect a call from you. Didn't even know you had a phone, or knew my number for that matter."

"You gave me your number a long time ago, and I wrote it down," you replied. "I just wasn't sure if you would still have the same one, so I'm glad you do."

"Yeah. Look, is there a particular reason that you're calling me, (F/N)? I have things to do, you know."

You couldn't help but feel a little offended. "Don't you want to talk to me? We are still friends, right?"

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