I Hate You Too [Part 1] - Near X Reader

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I Hate You Too [Part 1] - Near X Reader

(Requested by an anonymous reader)

"(F/N), I am detaining you under suspicion that you may be the one we are looking for."

You looked up from the book you were reading in surprise. "What?" On seeing the boy standing in the doorway wearing a creepy-looking mask over his face, flanked by two adult men in uniforms, you demanded, "Who the hell are you?"

"You may call me N," the boy replied.

"What are you doing in my apartment?" You were shocked that he had so bluntly burst into your home - if he was trying to freak you out, he was doing a pretty good job of it, but if he was a burglar or something then this was just stupid.

"I am here to arrest you," he said simply.

You nearly fell out of your chair in shock. "What for? And anyway, you're just a boy, not a police officer. What gives you the right to arrest me when I haven't done anything?"

"I have plenty of right," he said. "I am following in what someone else started. You are suspected of being the murderer Kira, and I am here to oversee your arrest."

"Who the hell do you think you are?"

"I am N," he answered calmly. "If you must know, I am following L, in a way. That is all you need to know."

"L..." you breathed. "You knew him?"

"Not personally. I know him as a predecessor."

"Woah, woah, you're L's successor? You?" You paused, and then a realization hit me. "L isn't dead, is he?"

"Not yet," the boy said, in a way that made me feel almost intimidated by him. "I'm only trying to help him, before anything should happen to him, as it may soon."

"Are you planning to kill him or something?" you demanded. "Because I don't recall him mentioning anyone like you, and surely he would have mentioned you if he really planned for you to succeed him? Plus, your talk of something possibly happening to him soon is a little bit suspicious."

"Did you know him personally?" N asked.

"I...well, no, but I worked for him a couple of times." You glared at him. "Why?"

"He wouldn't have carelessly given out information to someone like you," N replied simply. "Had you been closer to him, perhaps he would have told you about me. But I don't think you getting close to him would have been a good idea, considering you are Kira. That's why I am wearing this mask, you see? You don't know my name, and even if you did, you can't see my face. The guards will stop you, should you attempt to remove the mask from my face." His head turned towards the man on his left, a middle-aged guy with a black eye mask covering part of his face, blonde hair, and light blue eyes that you could see looking at you through the eye-holes in the mask. N's head then turned towards the other man - a younger man with black hair, and a mask that covered the top part of of his face except his blue eyes. "Mr Gevanni, Commander Rester," N said. "Please arrest her."

You were horrified. He was serious. He was putting you under arrest, and those two guys were obeying him.

You darted out of the way of the two men, pushing your way past and balling your fist as you headed for N. You were not going to allow yourself to be dragged out of your home in handcuffs, especially not when that had been ordered by some boy. You swung your arm, aiming your fist right for his face.

He didn't have time to dodge, and your knuckles connected with the mask, knocking it clean off of his face. You swung again, hitting his jaw. Without even a cry of pain, he reached calmly for the mask, picking up it back up just as the two men grabbed you by the arms and restrained you. You almost hissed with anger, struggling to no avail.

"You'll pay for this," you snarled, and suddenly realised that you really weren't helping to convince him you weren't who he thought you were. You were not Kira, but he believed you were. Threatening him would likely only strengthen that belief.

"Please." You switched tactics, pleading with him. "Let me go - I haven't done anything wrong!"

"You just threatened me," he said, ignoring your pleas. "That seems like something a murderer like you might do when desperate."

"I'm not desperate!" you protested. "I just don't understand how any of your detective work in the Kira case led to me!"

"Of course you don't," he replied. "You must have thought you had it all planned out perfectly well. You thought you had escaped suspicion; that no one would know it was you killing people without even being nearby. You thought you were safe, that you had everything under control, that I wouldn't find you. Well, how does it feel to realise you were wrong in those thoughts? How does it feel to know you are caught, with no option of escape available to you?" He smiled slightly. "How does it feel to know that you, like the criminals you killed, will be locked away in prison, where you will eventually die?"


There will be a Part 2, and possibly a Part 3, to this one-shot.

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