Sweet - Vampire! L X Reader

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Sweet - Vampire! L X Reader

You were working at L's headquarters. Again. At night. Again.

You always seemed to be there at night. You preferred it at the headquarters in the night because there was usually no one else there. Even L wasn't there at night, which was actually rather strange since you had heard he had insomnia and didn't sleep, so where would he be at night? But that wasn't your business, so you didn't ask.

You were working at the desk, doing something on the computer when the door opened. You spun around in surprise - you hadn't been expecting anyone to show up until morning. Standing in the doorway, black hair falling over his shadowed eyes, was L. He had a smudge of dark red below his lip, and you assumed it must be jam or something sugary like that. He looked shocked to see you, and you realised that he probably didn't know that you were halfway to being nocturnal. You tended to work well into the night and sleep through most of the morning.

"I hadn't expected to see you here, (F/N)," L said. "I thought you'd be asleep."

You shook your head. "I work here every night, Ryuzaki," you told him, using the name he had asked you and the rest of the task force to call him. "I thought you might have known, but perhaps not. I find it difficult to get to sleep any earlier than midnight. It's like my body thinks the night begins at two in the morning or something," you added with a small smile.

He came to sit down in a wheelie chair next to you. "Have you found anything new?"

"No, not yet. I'm not sure there is anything new to find. But maybe soon." You turned to look at him. "You have something red by your mouth, you know. It looks like jam." You grinned. "Been midnight snacking, maybe?" His eyes widened, and he wiped the smudge away without answering you.

The two of you sat in silence for a while. L started working on the computer next to you, and he didn't try to talk to you. You were happy with the quiet, peaceful atmosphere.

"I'm tired," you yawned suddenly. "I think I need to go get some sleep."

"Okay." L nodded, but didn't look at you. His eyes were glued to the computer screen.

"Aw, come on, don't I get a hug? No one's given me a hug for too long," you complained. You threw your arms around him before he could reply, and after a small noise of protest, he reluctantly hugged you back. You were a little startled, since L didn't normally hug you back whenever you tried to hug him. You didn't think he was comfortable with being so close to another person - or maybe he just wasn't used to it.

"You smell nice, (F/N)," L murmured suddenly. "You smell sweet."

You were surprised at the sudden, slightly strange compliment. "Uh, thanks, I guess."

You were even more surprised when you felt his mouth brush your neck. "So sweet..." His voice was barely more than a whisper. You felt his teeth graze the skin of your neck, sending electric sparks shooting through your body. You had long since stopped inwardly denying your attraction to L, but as much as you liked him, you couldn't help but be a little worried by his current, very uncharacteristic actions.

Ignoring the electric sparks that made you want to forget everything and just melt into his arms, you asked, "What...what are you doing, Ryuzaki?"

He kissed your neck gently. "Why does your blood smell so sweet, (F/N)?" he asked slowly.

"My...my blood?" you pulled away, staring at him in shock. "L, what the hell are you playing at?"

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