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Sanemi and Giyuu were having their lunch together.
After lunch, Giyuu went to his room.

He sat on the bed, slowly laying down. He stared at the ceiling as he drifted off to sleep.

Sanemi went to his room to take a rest as well.

After about an hour, Giyuu woke up. He looked out of the window, it was getting dark. He went to Sanemi's room to wake him up.

Sanemi was fast asleep, looking almost peaceful in his unconscious state. He didn't stir as Giyuu entered the room, his breathing deep and even.

"He's still sleeping..."
Giyuu whispered, his voice barely above a whisper.

He gently shook Sanemi's shoulder, but he didn't wake up. Worried, Giyuu tried calling his name out.

"Shinazugawa-San! Wake up!

After a few seconds, Sanemi's eyes slowly blinked open. He looked up at Giyuu, his vision still blurry for a moment before he recognized him.

"Hn? What is it?"

Giyuu sighed out of relief.
"The sun has set, it's time for us to look for demons, let's get going..."

Sanemi grunted, sitting up in bed, slowly rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"...Alright, give me a minute."
He muttered, still looking half-asleep.

Giyuu nodded, walking to his room to change into his uniform.

Sanemi changed into his uniform as well, walking to Giyuu's room. His face was more alert now. He ran his hand through his short white hair as he looked at Giyuu.

"...You ready?"
He asked.

Giyuu looked back at him, nodding gently.

Sanemi nodded back, he started walking towards the door.
"Let's go, then."

Giyuu followed him, walking out of the mansion. Once they were out, they looked for any traces of demons, as they patrolled over the area.

Sanemi scanned the surrounding area, his sharp eyes searching for any signs of demon activity. After a few minutes, he let out a low grunt.

Giyuu heared a soft rustling behind a few bushes in the distance. He ran faster towards it, his sword slashing against the bushes with force. It was a demon that fell down with a pool of blood underneath it.

Sanemi quickly followed behind Giyuu, seeing the fallen demon. He looked at it curiously, slightly impressed by Giyuu's quick response.

"You're faster than I thought..."

"Let's continue the search, I have a feeling there are more..."
Giyuu replied.

Sanemi nodded in agreement, the two looking around the area, their hands on the sword.

Giyuu was thoroughly looking for demons behind the thick line of bushes, his mind completely occupied with the thoughts of decapitating any demon he saw. He looked determined.

Sanemi was looking for demons, his gaze shifting to Giyuu. That's when he saw a tiny demon walking up to Giyuu without any sound.

He ran fast, quickly decapitating the demon as soon as Giyuu turned back.

Giyuu gasped softly in response.


"Pay more attention, Will you!? Tsk! Don't fucking space out!"
Sanemi snapped angrily with worry.

"I'm sorry..."
Giyuu replied.

Sanemi let out a frustrated sigh.
"Fuck it, let's keeping looking, alright?"

SaneGiyuu: Loving You Is EasyWhere stories live. Discover now