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Sanemi's heart started to race again, fearing the worst.

"But what? What happened? Is he not okay?"

Shinobu let out a deep breath, staring into blank space.

"He... he cried so much, he hugged you tightly... I don't think you remember anything."
She paused, continuing again.

"He was the last one to leave your side... He was really heartbroken, you know?"
She looked down, a sad expression on her face.

Sanemi felt a pang of pain in his heart, hearing about Giyuu's sadness. He never wanted to make him cry.

"I... I didn't mean for that to happen... I should have been more careful..."
He said regretfully, his hands clenching into fists.

"What's done is done, Shinazugawa-San... We can never change that."
She squeezed Sanemi's hand reassuringly.

"And on the bright side, Tomioka-San was so happy when you gained consiousness again."
She sighed, smiling softly.

"He really cares for you, so much... seeing him cry made me feel terrible..."
She looked at Sanemi, her words tinged with kindness.

Sanemi looked down, trying to process the emotions that were swirling inside him.
He felt his heart warm up hearing that Tomioka was happy when he gained consciousness, but the fact that he made him cry still weighed heavily on his heart.

He sighed softly, concern written all over his face.
"He's been through so much already, and I still made him worry about me... I need to make it up to him somehow..."

Shinobu took a deep breath in, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out."
She smiled supportively.

He looked up at her, a small, grateful smile on his face. He felt a sense of comfort with her hand on his shoulder, and her words of encouragement helped to ease his guilt slightly.

"Don't mention it..."
She said, her hand squeezing Sanemi's shoulder gently.

"...I don't think Tomioka-San is going to wait at all, I'm sure he'll be here to see you as soon as he wakes up..."
She chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood.

"He loves you so much, always telling me about you!"

Sanemi blushed hard as he couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat hearing that Giyuu loved him so much, and the thought of seeing him brought a small smile to his face.

Shinobu paused a little.
"...You love him too, don't you?"

Sanemi's blush deepened, and he looked down at his hands, avoiding her gaze. His heart was beating wildly in his chest as he struggled to form the words.
"I...I do care for him..."

"...And what about love? Do you love him?"
She asked, her voice playful and teasing.

He avoided her gaze, feeling a rush of heat flooding his cheeks.

Shinobu laughed heartily.

"Don't be shy, Shinazugawa-San... your feelings for him are completely evident! Don't feel flustered to admit it... You love him, right?"

He looked up at her, a mix of surprise and a hint of embarrassment on his face. He opened his mouth to deny it, but the words caught in his throat.
"F-Fine... I guess I do... Goddamnit!"

Shinobu clapped her hands together, smiling softly.
"You two really look good together!"

Sanemi covered his face with his hands, his ears burning red with embarrassment.

SaneGiyuu: Loving You Is EasyWhere stories live. Discover now