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Akaza's eyes widened in shock at the sheer power and speed of Sanemi's attack.
He quickly calculated his next move and used his immense speed to sidestep Sanemi's attack, narrowly avoiding getting sliced by the wind.

Sanemi landed back onto the ground, already moving ahead with his arms raised, his sword pointing right at Akaza, a wild mixture of insanity and focus contours his face.
"Don't think you'll get away that easy!"
He shouted out.

Akaza let out a menacing laugh, his yellow eyes gleaming with excitement. He took a step forward, his own speed and power surging to match Sanemi's. He quickly dashed forward towards him.

Upon noticing Akaza dash towards him with a blinding speed, Sanemi took a step back, his grip on his sword tightening as he took a deep breath in.

"Wind Breathing, Third Form: Clear Storm Wind Tree!"
He unleashed a whirlwind of slashes around his body that defended him from any incoming attacks, slicing up his surroundings.

Akaza grinned, impressed by Sanemi's defenses. He continued to dash towards him, his eyes scanning for an opening. He saw the moment Sanemi's defenses faltered and took advantage, aiming a powerful punch straight for his stomach.

Sanemi grunted loudly as he felt the punch land right in the center of his stomach, doubled over in pain. He clutched his abdomen, gasping for breath, but didn't back down.

With a fierce determination, he swung his sword in a wide arc, hoping to catch Akaza off guard.

Akaza, anticipating Sanemi's counter, jumped back to avoid the swing. He took a moment to assess Sanemi, his expression turning stern and serious.

"You're not like them... You're different." He muttered under his breath before charging forward again.

Sanemi sensed Akaza's next move and quickly readjusted his stance, ready to defend against another attack.
"Don't patronize me!"

Akaza paused at the intensity in Sanemi's voice, surprised at his emotional response. He recovered quickly, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"You're too weak, it's pitiful."
He taunted, hoping to anger Sanemi further and throw off his focus.

Sanemi's face twisted in rage, his eyes flashing with fury. He took a step forward, his sword trembling in his hand as he struggled to maintain control.
He spat out, his voice low and menacing.

"You think you can toy with me, Akaza?
He shouted out.

Akaza could see the pure hatred burning in his eyes and he was intrigued. He had always dealt with easy prey, humans who cowered at the face of demons, but Sanemi was different. He grinned, enjoying the challenge.
"You won't back down, will you?"

Sanemi's grip on the sword tightened, the metal clinking ominously in the still air. With a loud grunt, Sanemi lunged forward, his movements wild and unpredictable.
He swung his sword in a wide, diagonal arc, aiming to knock Akaza off balance and catch him off guard.

Akaza's eyes widened as Sanemi lunged forward, swiftly dodging his swing. He could feel the power in his attack, it was clear that this human was not ordinary.

He jumped back, landing on a rooftop with grace. He grinned wickedly.
"Turn into a Demon already, Sanemi!"

"I'd rather die than turn into someone like you!"
Sanemi took a deep breath in.

"Wind Breathing, Eighth Form: Primary Gale Slash!"
He leapt up into the air, his sword swinging in a wide arc, aiming to slice up Akaza.

Akaza's grin didn't fade as he jumped again, narrowly avoiding the attack. He landed a few rooftops away, his eyes locked on Sanemi's.
"You're quite the fighter, Sanemi..."
He reached his hand out.

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