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Sanemi stepped closer and closer, as he heard the rustling getting louder.

Suddenly stopping at the very end of the village road, Sanemi glared intensely into the darkness, his eyes burning with a fierce intensity.

His hand instinctively went to the hilt of his Nichirin sword, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

Akaza sighed tiredly.

Will I ever find that Blue Spider Lily...?

Akaza's eyes widened as he felt someone's footsteps nearing.

What's that... Noise?
He looked through the tiny openings of light through the branches.

His eyes widened as soon as he saw half of Sanemi's body.

"A Demon Slayer...?"

His surprised expression soon turned into that of happiness and pleasure as he laughed a little.

Sanemi's eyes bulged upon hearing the faint laugh, his grip on his sword even tighter.

I'm tired... I wanna have some fun!
Akaza smirked as he stood up, slowly stepping out of the dark shadows.

As soon as Sanemi saw him emerging from the forest, his eyes widened in shock and disbelief, quickly narrowing into a glare.
He stared deep into Akaza's eyes, swallowing hard.

Upper Moon 3... So this is how he looks like...
Sanemi's hand gripped the hilt of his Nichirin sword tighter, the green blade gleaming ominously in the dim light of the forest.

Huh... What's with his weirdly strong presence... I don't think he's an ordinary Demon Slayer... Is he a Hashira...?
Akaza's smirk turned into a full blown smile, stepping closer to Sanemi.

Sanemi's eyes widened in shock and disbelief, quickly narrowing into a glare. His hand gripped the hilt of his Nichirin sword tighter, the green blade gleaming ominously in the dim light of the forest.

"I am the Wind Hashira! Shinazugawa Sanemi! You better get used to hearing that name, you moron..."
Sanemi shouted out, blood rushing through his vessels faster in rage.

Akaza's eyes flickered with amusement and disdain at the mention of the name.

"Ah, a Hashira. How... quaint. You're quite bold to face me alone, Sanemi. But let's see how long that courage lasts."
He took a step closer, his movements fluid and menacing.

Sanemi's grip on his sword tightened as he glared back, unfazed by Akaza's threatening words. He swiftly unsheathed the sword and took a step closer as well, holding the blade with precision.
"You dare underestimate me, Demon!"

Akaza let out a low, rumbling chuckle, his yellow eyes glinting with anticipation.
"Is that so? Well then, let's see what you're truly made of, Hashira."
He stepped closer to Sanemi menacingly.

Sanemi readied his sword, the blade humming with a fierce energy as it slices the air, prepared to strike at Akaza's first move.

As the sword whistled through the air, Akaza swiftly sidestepped, his agility allowing him to avoid the attack with ease.

His eyes never leaving Sanemi's, he lunged forward with a blinding speed, aiming a brutal kick at his chest.

Sanemi's eyes flashed with surprise at his sudden agility, but he quickly recovered, using his own speed and agility to narrowly dodge the kick.

Akaza's attack missed by a hair's breadth, but he didn't seem bothered. Instead, he smirked at Sanemi, clearly enjoying the challenge.

"Impressive, Sanemi. But you'll need more than just speed to defeat me."

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