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Sanemi took a bit of cotton and poured a little bit of alcohol onto it. He looked away as he did so, trying not to think about the pain he was about to inflict on Giyuu.

"Okay, this is going to fucking burn for a second, but just try to hold still."
He said, moving the cotton swiftly onto the wound.

Giyuu nodded in response, sighing out.

Sanemi tried his best to be quick, but he couldn't help but slow down as he saw the blood seeping out of the wound.

Giyuu flinched a little, trying his best to keep quiet.

"Hold fucking still, can you!?"
Sanemi wrapped a long piece of cloth around the wound, tying it up tightly.

"Now you just need to relax and let it heal..."

"Thank you..."
Giyuu said in his usual, calm tone.

Sanemi's face flushed, and he avoided Giyuu's gaze.

"Don't thank me yet, you idiot. You're stuck here for at least a few days until you heal up, so you better get used to the fucking sight of me."
He grunted.

"It's okay..."
Giyuu said.

Sanemi tilted his head to the side.

"I don't want to bother you much... I'll leave after an hour or so... I'm sorry for being such a burden, but thanks for all the help..."
Giyuu replied, his voice still calm and deep.

Sanemi's face twisted in frustration as Giyuu spoke, but he saw the genuine thankfulness in his eyes.

"The fuck are you talking about, a burden!? You're gonna shut up and stay here!"
He said angrily.

Giyuu's eyes widened.

Sanemi leaned in closer to Giyuu, staring at him with a furious look in his eyes.

"Listen, you little shit. I haven't fucking helped you just so you can die out there on the way to your place. Stay here until you're fit enough to walk on your own..."
He said, his voice deep and raspy.

Giyuu sighed.
"You didn't have to..."

"I told you to stay here."
Sanemi glared, his eyes darkening.

Giyuu nodded in response.

Sanemi's look softened, and he looked away for a moment. He spoke more gently now.

"Good. I don't want to see you getting hurt again out there."
He turned back to face Giyuu with a fierce determination in his eyes.

Giyuu coughed a little again.

Sanemi's eyes filled up with concern, his hand reaching toward his chest. "Do you need anything? Water? Medicine?"

"No... I'm fine..."
Giyuu replied, his voice weak.

Sanemi nodded slowly, his eyes almost tender as he looked at Giyuu.
"Tell me if you need something."

He then stood up.
"I'll be right here. You better get some sleep now."

Giyuu nodded.

Sanemi sat on the corner of the bed, closing his eyes for a moment.
Giyuu looked at him.

"Everything... alright?"

Sanemi's eyes snapped open, and he saw Giyuu's questioning gaze.

"Hm? Yeah, I'm just... taking a break." His voice was softer than Giyuu had ever heard it. He reached his hand out towards him gently.

"How about you?"

Giyuu's eyes widened as he had never seen Sanemi speak to him so sweetly.

"Yeah, everything's alright, except for my condition right now..."

Sanemi chuckled softly as the statement.

"Don't worry about it right now, just focus on getting better. He paused for a while. Say... how did you even get this injured?"
He asked.

Giyuu stared into blank space, taking a deep breath in.

"I might've let my guard down, and the demon attacked me from behind at the exact moment."

Sanemi stared at his hands and then looked back at Giyuu with a mix of anger and frustration on his face.

"Damn it! Why is it you let your guard down? You never do that!! Demons are always on the loose, you have to stay alert at all times..."

"I am sorry."
Giyuu replied in an almost emotionless tone.

Sanemi shook his head, his frustration dissipating slowly.

"It's not about sorry... it's about staying alive. Promise me you won't let your guard down again."
He looked serious again.

"I promise."
Giyuu said.

Sanemi nodded in response, staring at him with concern.

Giyuu closed his eyes slowly, falling asleep. Sanemi could hear his soft breathing. He watched him for a few minutes, making sure he was okay, before getting up to leave the room.

As he reached the door, he turned back to look at him again. He clenched his fists and whispered,

"Don't fucking die..."
He then walked out of the room, his mind occupied with the complex feelings he might have developed for Giyuu. He wasn't sure if he liked Giyuu or not... It was all a mix of different emotions and feelings.

The feelings of hate, anger, and annoyance, which were extremely obvious, but also, the feelings of...

Affection and care.


Word count: 809 words.


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