He's going to love you, Marcus!

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The next day, Marcus was in the basement, haunted by that same buzzing noise he heard every time he was in there. Marcus was zoned out, staring at the bloody metal pole in the corner of the room.

Someone from upstairs opened the basement door, which startled Marcus. He anxiously waited to see who was coming down. It was Ziel, still looking sad. 

"He's getting his brother for a family photo," Ziel said monotonously.

Marcus looked away from Ziel, lowering his head.

"Marcus," Ziel said, sitting across Marcus on the floor.

Marcus didn't budge.

"Want to hear... a story?" Ziel asked.

Marcus slowly tilted his head up, "I can tell you aren't a heartless beast like he is. We can escape—"


"What? Is he up there?" Marcus asked.

"Who knows, he's unpredictable. Just like yesterday. I thought we were just playing a prank on you. It's what families do. Have fun. Not brutally kill friends."

"Exactly," Marcus said, "You're a prisoner like me."

"Want to hear a story?" Ziel repeated.

"It's boring as hell in here, and my mind hurts like hell. Like a fire is going on inside it so, go ahead."

"When I was younger," Ziel started, "Logan kidnapped me, and brought me to this same exact basement. I remember waking up to him smiling at me. It was like a smile of a happy woman who just got married, or gave birth to her first child. He said..."

"I will have fun making you bleed from your ears and force you to drink your own piss and liquified shit," Logan said with a grin on his face, kneeling forward. 

Ziel didn't show any signs of fear. He didn't cry, nor did he sweat. 

"Huh, I thought you would be freaking out," Logan said, "You're kinda cool. What's your name?"


"Ashwin? That's a cute name. Sorry I didn't intimidate you, I'm new to this killing stuff. I got tools upstairs and I get too giddy on which to use. I look like a child with a bag full of candy on Halloween sometimes. We all have our moments!"

Logan stood up, walking around the yellow room in a circle.

"Ah, I don't wanna kill you anymore. You're too cute to die. Lemme get you out of those chains and let's have some fun."

When Logan and Ziel got outside, they went out to eat some food at a fast food restaurant. 

"This food's good, make sure to eat all your fries up, or else I'll eat yours," Logan said.

Ziel quickly stuffed the fries in his mouth. Logan laughed, "I'm joking! Don't eat too much, or else you'll choke on it!"

Ziel slowed down his chewing.

"Here's my soda," Logan offered, sliding his soda bottle across the table. He put his chin on his hand as he watched Ziel finish eating the fries.

"From now on, we're going to be family. I'm your sister, I'm your brother, I'm your father, I'm your cousin, I'm your anything family-related. I always wanted a proper family, it's a desire I have. A selfish desire."

Ziel just stared at Logan as he chewed his fries and drank his soda.

Next, they went everywhere in the city. To the library, to the park and any place with a lot of people. After a fun day, they grew appreciation for each other.

Logan smiled, he looked up, spotting a woman in high heels, walking down the street. She was very curvy, her boobs were voluptuous and her ass was as big as a head and as smooth and curvy as a glass ball. Logan and Ashwin watched her walk by on the other side of the street. She didn't look happy, under all the makeup she wore was a sad woman. Her purse swung in the air and her high heels made a clattering noise for each step she took.

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